Sasuke quickly grabbed the blonde’s hand before he could ask anymore questions.

“I didn't know Itachi was an artist!” Naruto awed. “That's so cool, how come you or him never mentioned it before?”

‘It's something that he doesn't really like to remember.’ Sasuke commented with a shrug of his shoulders. They entered into a hallway and Sasuke led them to the first door on the left. ‘This is my gallery and studio.’

Naruto stared in amazement at the work before him.

The wall was littered with canvas of different sizes. Most pieces were abstract, not a painting of something in particular. The colors were mostly dark, swirled together in a sinister pattern. Naruto stopped at one piece in particular.

It was a small one, the edges white and in the center, a large circular gray mass of swirls and scribbles with what appeared to be two dark red eyes in the middle. He looked at the title of the painting, ‘Inner Demon’.

“This is amazing, Sasuke.” He walked along the walls of the rest of the room. “I can honestly feel the emotions behind these paintings.”

‘Thank you.’ Sasuke replied, proud that Naruto loved his art. ‘Follow me.’

He led him to a door, pulling out a key and unlocking it. ‘Most people keep their studios open so guests can see them work but I like doing it in private.’

Naruto followed after Sasuke to see his studio. The room was surprisingly messy, paint supplies and canvas’ strewn throughout the room. “Pretty messy in here.”

Sasuke shrugged. ‘I like it that way.’ He walked over to an easel where he placed an empty canvas onto. ‘I want to start a new piece so I'll probably be coming here more often.’

“Really? What are you thinking of painting?” Naruto asked curiously.

Sasuke gave him a smirk. ‘That's a surprise, you'll see it eventually.’

Naruto crossed his arms over his chest. “You do know I have to be here with you.”

‘In the building, sure. But not the same room.’

Naruto sighed. “Okay fine, have your secrets.”

Sasuke took his hand and led him back out of the room, locking the door behind him. ‘Now we can see Deidara’s work.’

Sasuke led them out of his gallery and to the door directly across the hall. As soon as he opened the door, a loud bang erupted from the room causing Naruto to jump back in fright.

“W-what the hell was that?” Naruto asked as Sasuke casually stepped into the room. “Sasuke, wait!” Another bang came from the room and Naruto ‘eeped’ before quickly following after the raven.

The room they entered was a tan color, one wall painted to look like a backdrop of a desert. Against that wall stood about six or seven statues, Naruto noted. About thirty feet away from them stood a metal railing that was about four feet, a yellow and black strip of flooring running alongside of it.

“What's that for?” Naruto asked, pointing to the floor.

‘Hold on. Keep your eyes on that wall.’ Sasuke walked past him back to the door. Naruto gave him a quick glance before keeping his focus on the statues.

The door opened and closed and Naruto once again gave a quick glance only to see that Sasuke left. He furrowed his eyebrows before looking back over at the wall.

The door opened and with a loud bang occurred and Naruto watched in awe as one of the statues in the middle exploded.

“Holy shit.” Naruto remarked, too shocked to say anything else.

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