Chapter 13 - The Truth

Start from the beginning

"I'm like you two. I'm not from this Earth and in fact, I'm not sure what planet I was born on. No-one knows. I also have weird powers that we're given to me through...wait for it...." he paused and let a silence creep in.

"Well...?" I said

"Reproduction" he said with an eyebrow raise and a smirk.

"You're terrible." I rolled my eyes and shoved him. "You're messing with me. You just want me to feel better." I said. I was uncertain about his place in all of this but he definitely seemed to be lying. "And plus, you are the son of Pepper and Tony." Here he stopped me.

"Yeah it's called adoption."

I was speechless for a second. "Wait do you have gold flecks in your eyes?" 


"Well then.. guess you're not one of us." I drawled. 

"I'm a different kind of person. When Natasha and Steve came for you, they didn't expect to find your kind of eyes. You guys have the rarest eyes in all the universes, and with eyes come abilities. Nobody wanted to tell you guys for fear that you would feel like a misfit."

"Too late for that" I muttered.

"What was that?"


"Anyway.." he trailed off. I could see him getting a little annoyed with the questions and him having to do the explaining but it scared me that I thought it was cute.

"Okay okay, I believe you." I finally said.

"Good" he ruffled his hands through his hair and sighed. "I have to tell you something."

I was immediately on edge.

"All those people downstairs, they are not who they seem."

"No dip Sherlock." I said with an eyebrow raise (A phrase I had heard a lot of the kids at the orphanage use).

"Seriously." He paused giving my enough time to lie on my back and look up at the sky. "They call themselves the 'Avengers-'"

I sat up. "Why? Are they trying to avenge someone?"


"Well... why are they called the Avengers."

"Just let me finish." He took a deep breath. "They defend the world from a lot of things that come at it and try to harm it. A lot of people associate them with good things and they save a lot of people on their missions."

At this point I sat up and propped myself on my elbow.

"They go by.... code names... I guess you could call it. Steve is Captain America, Tony is Iron Man, Bruce is the Hulk, Natasha is Black Widow, Clint is the Hawkeye, and there is a guy named Thor who doesn't live here, but lives were you and I come from which is in a place called Asgard."

He had me onto him. I was hanging onto his every word captured in the big picture of it all.

"Those 6 are the really original people who fought the first battle together as a team. Than Wanda and a bunch of other people come later but that is for another time. I still have to get to the point." He clears his throat. "Y/N, you and I are.. needed for a mission that will involve going back to Asgard."

I gasped.

"If you don't want to do it, I will convince Amy to do it."

I closed my mouth which much to my disdain had fallen open throughout his story telling. "Good luck with that, that isn't Amy's type of thing."

"Oh don't worry." Lyric winked at me. "I'll tell her that I want her to be my girlfriend, but will be busy and that she can only  really get the full experience if she dates me and if she helps me do the things that I have to do." He smirked.

"Get the full experience!!?? That's a horrible way to do it, and anyway, I will do it thank you very much." He smirked again.

"Thats what I thought. Well anyway let's go down and sort things out. They'll probably want to fill you in on more of the things that happens around here."

I smiled and started standing up.

Hey guys!

Sorry for not updating. I am BUSY. I hope you guys like it. I might do several unexpected things throughout the novel that might make you question humanity itself, but I am determined to finish the book whether I like the end product or not.
Anyway, that's my lecture.

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Thanks for reading!

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