Chapter 1

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He sat quietly, staring at the dark grey walls. Dammit, he thought, nothing to do. His long pale fingers gently tapped the mahogany desk. The dark maroon curtains were drawn, no sunlight slipped through, just the way he liked. Sasuke's dark brown eyes rested on a leather bound book with an unbroken spine, a flicker of disgust and hate ran through his mind. He stood up quickly and walked out the room. His footsteps echoed in the empty house as he stormed out. "I hate this house" he muttered and left the uchiha district.

"Hey teme, why are you mad?" A familiar annoying voice rang out from beside him.

"Leave me alone dobe" sasuke glared at the blonde grinning idiot. Naruto put his hand on sasuke's shoulder.

"Listen, all you do is either stay indoors and mope around or walk around scaring women and children" naruto glanced at a attractive woman and winked at her and she scoffed and walked away.

"If you weren't here she would be all over me" he smiles cockily.

"Well if you left me alone you could have all the women you wanted" sasuke said coldly.

"You've been acting different since itachi's death..wanna talk about it?"

"No, now go away"

Naruto sighed "Sakura is waiting for me anyways, it's our anniversary" he waved and walked away.

Naruto and Sakura...a weird couple... Ever since she confessed her love he's been full of himself. Sasuke walked into the training grounds and looked around. He heard quiet grunts of effort and the familiar sound of fists hitting wood. He followed the source of the sound and saw a girl punching a tree.

She had a dark curtain of hair that went to her waist and her pale skin was beaded with sweat. Her bangs just almost started to cover her purple eyes. Sasuke smiled a little, for the first time in what felt like years, and watched her small bandaged hands hit the tree. He had seen her before but it could have been anywhere.

How long as she been out here? He thought, watching her quietly. Her breath became ragged and her body quickly slumped to the ground. Her breathing was fast but slowed down significantly. Sasuke ran to her and made her lie on her back.

"Hey, stay with me" her eyelids had drooped shut and he gently slapped her cheeks. Crap..where does she live.. He looked around for anyone else but it was just them.

"All right then" he picked her up and blushed when he noticed how close their faces were. Her pink lips looked so soft...dammit sasuke stay focused! He started sprinting to his house.

When he arrived he kicked open the door and walked to his bedroom and gently laid he on the bed. This should be okay, he thought pulling the blankets to her chin. He suddenly became self conscious of the clothes tucked in the corner, why should he be? It's not like he liked her.

He glanced at her face one last time, she looks so peaceful, he slipped out the room and walked to the couch.

It's just some girl..she will probably leave and I'll never see her again, he thought laying down. She'll probably fall in love with the town hero if she hasn't already. He sighed and flipped to the news and leaned back. After a couple minutes into the weather report he dozed off.

It was dark in all directions. Sasuke looked around and saw a tiny sliver of light, he had barely touched it with his fingertips when the blackness was shredded and formed the shadows of two people standing on the horizon. They were waving at him. He took a step foreword but black and red hands reached out and pulled him back, he heard a woman scream.

He awoke drenched in a cold sweat and he was breathing hard. He ran a shaky hand through his raven black hair and sat up.

He groggily walked back to the bedroom she was sleeping in and opened the door.

She was sitting upright and looking around confused.

"Wh..where am I?"she looked at him.

"You were training yesterday and passed out so I brought you to my place" he looked out the window "you can leave if you want" he was trying to be nonchalant but he really wanted her to stay.

"Well..thank you" she smiled at him and he continued to look out the window trying to hide his blush.

"No problem"

"Wait..sasuke uchiha?" She smiled

"Yeah that's me" crap..she must have heard the stories about me..about my brother..

"It's me hinata hyuuga" she stood up and smiled.

"You've really grown" he smiled and thought, dammit she's hot..

"So have you" she smiled "thanks for helping me"

"It's no problem" she walked past him and towards the front door. Her fingertips lightly brushed against the brass doorknob and his stomach cringed, a weight settled upon his chest.

"Wait!" She looked at him and he looked away " safe" she smiled and muttered a word of thanks and walked out the door.

Sasuke stormed to the bathroom and glared at his reflection and thought you let her'll never see her again, it's all your fault! His eyes watered up a little and he started a cold shower.

She'll never love monster

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