Chapter 22

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Jungkook's POV

I feel so........ empty..... and useless. Hana rejected me, I thought she liked me too, but I was wrong. A single tear rolled down eye as I knelt on the cold concrete.

"am I really that unlikeable?", I mumbled to myself as I sat there staring at the floor.

Hana's POV

I ran to the girl's toilet and occupied one of the cubicles and let my tears flow. They came out like a waterfall as I curled up into a ball on the toilet seat crying my heart out.

"I love you too jungkook", I mumbled as I cried and cried.


After I don't know how long, I finally came out of the stall. I looked at myself in the mirror to see a ruined Jung Hana. The messy hair and red, swollen eye bags gave me flashback to when I was crying because Jimin dumped me.

But that time, jungkook was the one to save me. What will I do this time?

I shook my head and started splashing water on my face and tried my best to make it look like I wasn't crying. I wiped my face and walked out of the restroom.

I checked the clock on the wall to see that it was already last period, how long did I cry for? I decided not to go to class since I was late anyways, and I didn't feel like it.

I exited the school without getting spotted by any teachers and made my way to a small park near the school. I sat on one of the swings and looked at my surroundings. As I was looking around, I saw 2 children, a girl and a boy playing at the sandpit.


"jungkookkkkkk!!!!!", shouted a 5 year-old Hana as she sat crying at the sand pit.

"what wrong Hana?!", asked a jungkook as he came running over to the sandpit.

"t-the wind broke my s-sandcastle", said Hana as she sniffled.

Jungkook held both of Hana's cheeks as she looked up at him. he wiped her tears and smiled at her with his cute little bunny teeth.

"I'll help you fix your sandcastle, so don't cry... arraseo?", asked jungkook as Hana nodded and smiled.

"thank you kookie!"

*end of flashback*

"thank you kookie", I said as the memory left my mind.

I got off the swing and decided to walk home. I straight away ran to my room so that my mum wouldn't ask why I was crying. I jumped on to my bed and stared at the white ceiling thinking what I was going to do.


It's the next day and I'm walking to school......... alone. I miss jungkook walking me to school every day......... I miss him. I sighed as I continued walking to school. as I entered through the school gates I heard whispers everywhere.

"omg, really?! She did that?"

"how could she?"

"I bet he feels horrible"

"oppa did what!"

I was confused to what had happened, so I tried to find Minjun and Hyejin to ask them.

"Hana!", called someone making me turn my head around to see Minjun and Hyejin running towards me.

"we heard what happened, he took it badly huh?", said Hyejin making me look at her confused.

"such a shame Hana, I really shipped you two", said Minjun making me even more confused.

"what are you guys talking about?", I asked as they both looked at each other and then at me.

"ummmm, someone filmed you and jungkook yesterday when you rejected him on the rooftop", explained Minjun as I gasped.

"b-but how?! There was no one there", I said.

"well there was", said Hyejin making me feel horrible. Now everyone knows that I rejected jungkook.

"who was it?", I asked as Minjun shook her head.

"I don't know but it's all over social media, didn't you see it?", she asked.

"my phone was out of battery yesterday afternoon and I forgot to charge it until this morning", I answered.

We decided to just head to class and think about what to do later. As we were entering the hallways we saw a crowd at the end of the hallway. It was like they were watching something since they all had their phones out, probably filming it.

"you're pathetic, you got rejected by the girl that you've always been around for years. I'm surprised that any of these girls would like you!", screamed a voice as I heard several punching noises.

I ran towards the crowd as fast I could and pushed through to see jungkook getting beat up by Kim Dawon and his 2 minions.

"stop! Get away!", I screamed as I got in front of him hand which was about to punch jungkook but instead punched me.

"what the- Hana! I'm sorry!", he said as he tried to help me.

"get the fuck off me you bastard!", I screamed as I wiped the blood on my lips.

"H-hana", said jungkook hoarsely before coughing hard on the ground. He was beat up bad. I quickly went to him and wrapped his arm over my shoulder and dragged him to the infirmary.

"Hana..... your... lip", said jungkook as he tried to stand up properly.

"shut up, you're worse than me", I answered as I continued walking.


"this might hurt a little", I said as I made him lie down on the bed and dipped the cotton bud in the ointment.

He flinched as it touched the cut on his forehead. I blew on it and continued. When I was done I put a plaster and did the same for all his other cuts.

"take of your shirt", I said as his eyes widened.

"w-what?!", he asked as my eyes widened too.

"what! No, I didn't mean it like that! I need to see if there are any bruises or cuts on your body", I said as he heaved a sigh of relief and took off his shirt.

It pained me to see all the dark purple and red bruises on his stomach. I looked up to see him looking away, too embarrassed to face me.

"why didn't you fight back?", I asked as he looked at me.

"I couldn't, I felt like I deserved it", he said followed by my hand pushing him against his chest.

"pabo, pabo, pabo", I cried as I continuously hit his chest until his hands grabbed my wrists. Before I could react a sweet pair of lips crashed into mine.

to be continued...


i know i said i would update 2 days ago, but the Wi-Fi was being a b*tch to me so i had to update today.

hope you liked it.....

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