Chapter 19: Gathering Allies

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"Let me make sure I understand. A man, a living relic of the Metal World, the one who was responsible for its downfall, has control of an army of machines?"

Aloy gave a deep nod. "That's correct."

"And you need me to send out Meridian's army to the Bitter Climb, a days long journey from the city, need time?"

It was a lot to dump on Sun King Avad, and yeah, if I had been told what Aloy had just explained to him out of context, I would have given her that same dubious look.

We had arrived back in Meridian that morning. Aloy had immediately requested to see the king (which, I guess she can do because she's saved his ass a few times now from what I understand) and Erend was happy to set up an audience for us. We had done a quick scan of Talanah's men before heading back but had found nothing – Aloy promised we'd return to try again but not before we take care of our mission. Which made sense, you know, since the fate of the world kind of relied on the outcome of this mission.

Now we stood at the top of the palace, overlooking the bronze city, as Aloy tried to convince Avad to loan us his army. It could have been going better.

"Yes, I need time and your trust," Aloy explained. "This man would use these machines to conquer the world. I just need your army to hold his machines at bay until I can shut them down."

"Assuming you can shut them down," the king's advisor, some guy named Blameless Marad chimed in.

Avad took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "That's....a tall order, Aloy, one I'm afraid I'm going to have to reject. If you cannot shut down the machines, Meridian needs protection here. Our army is still not at its full strength from the last battle we fought and we need as many people as possible guarding the mesa."

Really? After everything Aloy's done for these idiots? "If we don't stop this man now, your army won't stand a chance against him if he comes here." I didn't care that I was speaking to a king. He wasn't my fucking king and if anything, he seemed like a short-sighted jerk.

The guards surrounding Avad took a step forward. Avad's lips held in a firm, straight line and the atmosphere on the balcony immediately tensed.

"Becks, I've got this," Aloy said quietly and placed a hand on my arm. Then to Avad, "I've never given you reason to believe that I'm wrong. If there is anything you can do to help, we would be grateful."

Avad looked at me, his dark eyes betraying an almost childlike curiosity. "Erend," he finally spoke. The captain stood straight at attention when his name was called.

"The Vanguard could surely help with a matter such as this, yes?" Avad asked.

Erend nodded. "Certainly, Your Highness." He took a moment to catch my gaze when the king wasn't looking and winked at me. I couldn't hold back a small smile.

"Then it is settled," the king continued. "Aloy, you have your army. May they serve you well. I will say that I hope you are wrong about these machines and that they are not under the control of any one man, let alone a misguided one. Light help us if they are."


"Well, that was disappointing." I kicked off my boots before collapsing on the bed.

"He's trying to protect his people. I'd be hesitant, too." Aloy hung up her pack and took a seat next to me. "Let me see your shoulder."

I shrugged. "It's fine. I don't even feel it anymore."

"And that's great, but I still need to see it," she said, clearly not in the mood to put up with my stubbornness.

I huffed. "Fine." I pulled off my shirt so that it would be easier and faster for her to examine the wound. The berries she had put into the cut and on the burn had actually done wonders at healing it quickly. It was nothing compared to the kind of treatment available back home but then again, back home I wouldn't have been shot by a flaming arrow.

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