Chapter 11: Panic Mode

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"Error: interface incompatibility detected."

Shit. Nice going, rookie.

"What? What's that mean?" Erend asked.

I sighed, frustrated. "It means that my program won't work on ARTEMIS." I looked at Aloy. "I wrote it based on the output you got from the cauldrons. Apparently, it's not universal among all the subsystems."

Aloy bit her lip. I could tell she was disappointed. Not sure if it was at me or just at the situation. I cringed inwardly. Regardless of what had transpired between us and the awkward state of our friendship, I didn't want to let her down. Maybe it was because if we failed at this then I was somehow failing...who? Myself? My family? The Alphas that had died trying to make sure that the world would be a viable place to live for future humanity? I honestly didn't know anymore, but I knew one thing. We couldn't fail.

I couldn't fail.

"There has to be a way," she said, her tone hard with determination.

Thunder rumbled above us, sending a dark echo throughout the bunker. The pounding of heavy rain on the roof started shortly after.

Erend glanced upwards. "Well, that won't be fun to walk home in."

Aloy ignored him. "What else can we do, Becks? I know you can figure this out." She gave me a pleading look; her voice having gone much softer. It was the first time in days she had spoken genuinely to me and I couldn't help but be somewhat grateful that I had the old Aloy back, not the austere, stoic one that I had been dealing with since we kissed.

I knew I had to try something. "Um...I'm not sure. I'm sorry – this tech is really complex and I'm still figuring it all out. Maybe if there was some other way we could directly interface with it that wasn't voice-based." Oooh. The light went on.

I turned to the Watcher behind us. "Heph, you think you could give it a shot? We don't speak ARTEMIS' language but you might, right?"


Aloy's hazel eyes lit up for the first time in days. "Yes, try it!" she ordered before looking back at me, a grin slowly forming on her face.

"ACKNOWLEDGED. PROCEEDING." Heph hopped over to the console and stared at it for a moment before its light turned from blue to orange.

"I hope this works," Aloy whispered. She seemed nervous and I understood. If we couldn't interface with any of the other systems, then GAIA couldn't be restored and this would all be for nothing.

It wasn't these people's fault that the planet was fucked up and had to be rebuilt. It also wasn't fair that Aloy had to be the one responsible for making sure this all worked. I realized at that moment that I wasn't being a very good friend, despite my offer to help. Romantic feelings or not, the very least I could do was show her the same kindness she had shown me since I woke up.

I nodded and took her hand in mine. The roughness of it reminded me of her strength and resilience. But even walls need support. "Me, too. And if it doesn't, we'll figure out another way."

Aloy's eyebrows raised in surprise at me. She gave my hand a light squeeze. I decided I would talk to her later when we were back in Meridian.

Another clap of thunder shook the room.


"You got it!?" I was thrilled and from the combination of shock and relief on Aloy's face, it was clear she was, too.

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