Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

The plates were set, the dinner was done, and the house was clean. Now it was just time to wait for them to arrive. Knowing my family they'd be a few minutes late since being early wasn't a thing they did.

I go into our room and see it cleaned up. I was actually surprised at how well he did. I went over to the bathroom where he stood brushing his teeth.

I nudged my hip with his and he looked over me with what would be a smile if a tooth brush wasn't in his mouth. "How do you want to tell our parents?"

He arched his brow. "Hmm?" He said before spitting out the tooth paste.

I gave him a look and he seemed confused for a moment. "Oh!"

I smiled. "Yeah."

He smiled back at me and just shrugged. "Words might be useful when telling them."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't patronize me, Knight. It's their first grandchild."

He pulled my closer by my hips and I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck. "However you decide will be perfect." He leaned down to kiss me and a moment later the bell that someone was coming up the elevator went off. "Better decide quickly."

I groaned and pulled away from him to go out to the living room. As I entered the doors opened and both our families poured out.

"Ana!" Julia shouted out before she basically ran into me, her arms circling around me.

"Hi, Jules." I hugged her back.

Alex came in and we greeted the rest of them together. His parents and Marcus were here along with my parents and Julia. I showed my parents around our home since I knew they'd want to see it.

"Here's the spare bedroom you guys will be staying in." I opened the door for them as they put their suitcases. "And Julia your room is right next to them."

"This place is like a fortress." Nora said, looking around the beautifully decorated room, stopping to look out the tall windows that show an incredible view of the city.

"I know." I said. There wasn't getting around how crazy this apartment was.

"He's good to you right?" Dad asked with a stern look.

I nodded, smiling. "The best,"

He scoffed playfully. "Not better than you're old man."

I laughed and went over to hug him. "No one could take that place.

It was so good having my dad almost back to normal. I missed him more than anyone. Now that he was finally getting healthy again I couldn't wait for things to go back to normal. Well not exactly quite how they were.

We went back downstairs and hoping the rest of them. A few minutes later we were sitting at the table eating our dinner I'm shocked I didn't mess up.


After dinner we all went over to the living room and talked for what seemed like hours. It was amazing to just be with all of them. I watched as Alex talked with my dad and our moms talked with each other. Even Marcus and Julia were getting along and sitting very close to each other.

I got up to grab another bottle of wine since they all seemed to polish off the other two pretty quickly. I opened the cabinet and when I turned around I jumped slightly from surprise when I saw Phillip come in. "Oh my gosh," my hand was over my heart. "you scared me."

"Sorry," he chuckled.

"It's okay. Did you need anything?" I asked as I looked around for the wine screw.

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