Chapter 6 [Niall]

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With the 7% of battery left on my phone, I tried calling Zayn again and got his voicemail. He should have found me by now, but he wasn't anywhere. All he had to do was follow my voice. I didn't think it took a rocket scientist to figure it out.

"Zayn Javadd Malik!" I hollered again, sort of irritated.

I didn't hear any bustling or movement, making me angry. I balled my hands into fists, feeling the dried blood tighten slightly. I found a wall and leaned against it, sliding down until I was sitting. I buried my head into my knees, trying not to cry.

Dear God, just please let the rest of us get out of here safely. Show me stairs or something.

As corny as it sounds, the only thing I could do was pray. Pray that none of the others were hanging on a rope or laying on the floor in a pool of blood. Pray that we could leave. I never was a huge churchgoer, but right now, I felt like the most religious man on the planet as I kept talking to God in my thoughts.

My phone lit up with a phone call, giving me a flicker of hope. I looked down at the screen, seeing Zayn's contact picture smiling up at me. Quickly, I hit answer.


The sound on the other end of the line was a piercing scream. It sounded like Zayn's high note when he decided to sing, so it could've been a joke. But when I heard muffled cries in the background after, I knew it was serious.

"Zayn, what's wrong? Where are you?" I asked, breaking into a panic. I couldn't lose another friend.


The call ended after that whisper. I broke out into a sweat and tried to hold in my tears. My phone was now at 4% battery, giving me a limited helpline. What the hell was going on? Was he just trying to mess with me? Was this one of the boys' infamous practical jokes?

I wasn't going to treat it as a joke because my luck, it wasn't. If I would, Zayn could die because of my ignorance. I stood up, and walked straight, sticking my arms out front of me so I wouldn't run into any other dead people. My hands wrapped around a cold doorknob, making my heart flutter with hope. When I swung the door open, I took my phone out and clicked the home button to illuminate the floor in case if it were stairs.

There was three small steps, leading up to another closed door. I hurried up them and forced the door open. There was a dim lit candle in the corner, glowing against the tinged white wall. One of the boys had to have been in here, and it had to have been Zayn. The dull light showed a series of hallways throughout the room, any of which Zayn or whoever could've went down.

"Zayn? Anybody?" I called, hoping I would get an answer. No one answered, but I heard a faint thumping. I slowly tiptoed closer to where I thought the sound was coming from. "Is anybody there?"


It sounded like it was coming from behind the door just a few feet in front of me. I approached the heavy door, my whole body shaking as I reached out for the tarnished knob. I gulped, squeezing my eyes shut and clenching my teeth as I quickly twisted the knob and opened the door. As it swung open, something banged against the floor and a muffled voice was coming from it. I opened my eyes, getting my phone from my pocket to see who it was that had been trapped.

"Zayn?!" I yelped. He had a gag in his mouth, blood running down from a 3-inch incision by his hairline. His hazel eyes had tears welled up in them and they were full of terror. "Zayn, where's your phone? Mine's dying and I'm going to need light."

He looked down, directing me to dig in his left pocket. Putting aside the awkwardness that I was in a rather sensitive vicinity, I dug around in his pocket to dig out his black iPhone. I turned it on, automatically unlocking it and looking at how much battery percentage he had; 90%. I turned the phone around, shining it behind his back where his hands were wrapped and tightly knotted together. I put the phone in my mouth so I could use both hands as I attempted to untie the constrictor knot.

Trapped In A Horror Movie AU (One Direction/Niall Horan) ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin