Chapter 2 [Niall]

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*2 Days To Halloween*

I pulled up in front of Liam's building, noticing Louis and Drake's cars immediately. Before I turned the car off, I let Breakeven finish playing. I got out into the heavy mist, flipping my hood up over my currently unquiffed blonde hair.

As I approached his heavy oak door, I heard Louis' distinctly obnoxious laugh from inside. It's odd that we were all getting together and relaxing on Thursday because we had an early school day on Friday, but whatever. I'm not complaining, but it just seems weird to me.

The golden doorknob was cold to the touch as I twisted it and emerged into the flat. Everyone was sitting around an open box of pizza set on Liam's coffee table. Nobody noticed I had arrived, being they were all in conversation, so I just slipped off my coat and Vans before I made an appearance.

"Niall! You came! I was beginning to think you weren't going to show," Liam smiled warmly, patting a spot on the couch next to him.

"Sorry, I was running a bit late because of traffic. Now, move your bloody asses over so I can eat some of this pizza!" I said, running over to the spot Liam saved for me and claimed it, along with a large piece of sausage pizza.


"So, the reason we decided to get together tonight to discuss what's happening on Halloween," Harry said, clapping his hands together and getting everyone's attention.

I swallowed the last bite of my fifth slice of pizza as I realized Harry's eyes were zeroed in on me. All of the boys were looking from me to him, waiting for him to continue. Frankly, I don't think I want to know.

"Why are you looking at me...?" I asked, quite wary of what the answer might be.

"Because we want to go to the Holloway Mansion-"

"Wait, the Holloway Mansion? As in the haunted mansion just outside of town?" I cut him off. I was praying to the Lord above that these boys didn't mean the Holloway Mansion I was thinking of. They would be beyond mental if they did! Seriously, I've done my homework on this place.


About twenty years ago, there was a family, the Holloways. They were kind of an odd family, mostly kept to themselves and didn't have many friends. They had two daughters; Jean, who was 5, and Elisa, who was 7. Elisa was schizophrenic, diagnosed at the age of 6. And Jean was mute; well, she could talk, but she didn't choose to.

One late night when the family was all asleep, Elisa's voices and imaginary friends got the best of her. Being controlled by the demons, she had gone into her young sister's room with a butcher knife and stabbed her repeatedly, muttering "Time to go to hell, sissy." Her mum and dad heard Jean scream before Elisa had put a pillow over her face. Her mum and dad were awake, so it was going to be easier for them to try and escape the killer that they didn't know was their daughter. Before Mr. Holloway could make it out of his and his wife's room, Elisa had stabbed him in his stomach. Mrs. Holloway had witnessed this and began to cry, falling to her knees.

Elisa was staring daggers at her mother. Mrs. Holloway knew deep down that this wasn't her daughter; she knew it was her daughter's schizophrenia.

"Elisa, no. Don't listen to what the voices tell you. This isn't you," Mrs. Holloway pleaded, hoping she could miraculously get through to her daughter.

Elisa said nothing and made her way to the fireplace, grabbing the poker. She went over to her mother with the poker positioned to stab. All Mrs. Holloway could do was beg and plead to her daughter as she backed away, only to end up against the wall. The firelight behind Elisa made her look evil. And this Elisa was; the demons inside her made her this way.

Trapped In A Horror Movie AU (One Direction/Niall Horan) ✔Where stories live. Discover now