Chapter 1 [Niall/Harry]

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*4 days to Halloween*

I scrambled out of my civics class and down the hall towards my chemistry class. My professor, Mr. Wallen, had let us out after the bell rang so he could finish his lecture on the class' poorly taken exams and if I didn't make it to chemistry on time, Mrs. Burns would have my ass.

"Niall!" I heard someone yell, or thought I did. I pushed past the couple snogging each other in my path and continued on. "Ni! How many times do I have to call your name before you answer?"

I turned to look where the voice was coming from and saw my best mate Harry walking towards me, his signature cheeky grin on his face.

"Hey mate," I greeted as he approached.

"What's the rush? You act like you have to be somewhere ASAP or you're going to get murdered," Harry chuckled, running his hand through his curls.

"Technically, I do. If I don't get to chem on time, Burns will skin me alive," I said as I started walking faster.

"Do you know where Liam's headed?" Harry wondered, changing the subject.

"Uh, yeah. I think he has calculus," I told him, seeing my bitter old professor standing at the door.

"Alright, thanks mate. See you later!" he said, pivoting on his heel and going the other way.

I followed a couple of girls to the classroom. Mrs. Burns was looking at me sinisterly when I started into the room.

"Almost late again, Mr. Horan," she spat in my direction.

"Mr. Wallen kept us late today," I told her, knowing she wouldn't buy it.

"Don't make excuses to me, Mr. Horan! I expect you to be to my class on time or you're staying late to clean my entire classroom," she shot.

"Sorry ma'am. It won't happen again."

After an eternity of note-taking, or what felt like it, the final bell rang, signaling that this school day was finally over. I hurried to Mr. Floyd's, my music editing professor, room to get my coat. He let me keep some of my things in his room because I was his favorite student.

My phone started vibrating mentally in my pocket as I straightened my jacket sleeves out. I read my lock screen and read Harry's message saying that he was catching a ride with Louis, Liam was making up an exam, and that Zayn had left early, so that I should just go home.

I ran out to my light blue '07 BMW and waited for a solid 10 minutes before I was able to get out of the parking lot. I looked down at the time, feeling like I shouldn't be leaving Uni this early and should be having a laugh with the boys, but put it aside as I drove to my job at the pretzel bar in the mall...early.


Harry's P.O.V

"I can't believe that Niall just walked by us and didn't even notice!" Liam said, obviously disbelieved.

"Li, it isn't that big of deal. I told him we weren't here, so he didn't bother looking for us. Besides, he has to get to work," I told him, quickly texting Louis and Zayn.

Liam, Drake, Josh, and I were sitting at a table outside the Uni, waiting for Lou and Zayn to meet us. The wind was brisk and getting colder by the minute, making my olive green cotton coat not enough.

"Hey blokes!" I heard Louis' voice break the silence as he and Zayn made their way through the fallen leaves. "What the bloody hell do you want? Where's Niall?"

"He has to work. But, Zayn and I were talking this morning and have a plan for Halloween this year," I said, smirking at Lou and Liam.

"A plan? Like what? Scaring the little children instead of watching horror movies all night and scaring ourselves half to death?" Louis scoffed.

"Laugh all you want, but this plan is going to be incredible because it involves messing with our dear friend Niall," I said, getting the 5 boys' attention immediately, Zayn smirking.

"Scaring Niall? And how do we plan to do this?" Josh asked, sounding intrigued.


It was 8:30 that evening. I was sitting in my room, doing my civics work amd eating my takeout meal from Nandos. I thought it was weird that one of the boys haven't called me all night; it's really unlike them.

When I finished my grilled chicken, I wiped my hands on a napkin and took my IPhone off the nightstand. I scrolled through all of my 29 contacts and dialed Louis.


"Hey Lou."

"Oh, hi Niall. Harry was just going to call you."

"Okay. I just thought you guys died or something."

"I believe we're all still alive and kicking."

"Are we watching horror movies on Halloween night?"

"Um, I think so. We haven't really talked about it since...well, last Halloween."

"Okay, I just wondered so I can tell my mum that I can't hand out Snickers to trick-or-treaters."

"I think we are. I better go; the boss is going to fire me if he catches me."

"See you tomorrow, Lou."

"Tootle loo."

I hit end and locked my phone. When I had asked him about our annual Halloween plans, he answered me like he was...lying, which is not like him. And it was weird how he had to go so quickly; Louis Tomlinson is always one to talk. But he did say that his boss would fire him if he got caught, so I chose to forget about it.

As I went out to the kitchen to throw my to-go box away, I heard my phone ring from my room. Quickly, I went back to my room and saw it was my expected call from Harry.


"Hey Haz."

"Hello Niall. I tried calling you a few minutes ago, but couldn't get through."

"Yeah, I called Louis. Sorry."

"It's fine. I wanted to ask you if you had to work tomorrow?"

"No, I have tomorrow off. Why?"

"Because Liam, Lou, Zayn, Drake, Josh, and I were going to get together at Liam's and have pizza tomorrow night. You game?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Cool. See you tomorrow."

"Yep. Bye Haz."

"G'bye Niall."

I put my IPhone back on the arm of the couch and went back to watching the telly, smiling sinisterly to myself. This Halloween was definitely going to be the best one yet.

Trapped In A Horror Movie AU (One Direction/Niall Horan) ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora