Chapter 4 [Niall]

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*Halloween Night*

I sat in the passenger seat of Zayn's old sleek black Mustang as we drove through the rainy streets. My hands were on my lap, starting to shake as I saw the Holloway Mansion come into view and the end of the road. I kept shaking my legs up and down so my hands weren't noticeable.

"Niall, do you want me to cut your legs off?" Zayn spoke.

"N-no! What kind of question is that?!" I stammered.

"Jesus, Ni! Calm down! I didn't mean it literally. Your constant leg seizures are driving me mad."

"Oh, sorry, mate."

I folded my hands, holding them together so tight that my knuckles were turning white. All I wanted for Zayn to do right now is turn around and go back to Harry's or take me home. I thought I could handle this, but as I saw the enormous house getting closer, my mind changed completely.

Zayn pulled over behind Harry's charcoal gray 2005 Honda Accord, just in front of the mansion, aka Ghostville. My heart rate started to quicken as I looked out the window at the spooky residence. As I reached for the door handle, my hands were trembling uncontrollably.

"Hey, you okay?" Zayn wondered.

"Yeah, just a bit cold," I lied.

"Here; take my jacket," he offered, slipping out of his black leather jacket and handing it to me.

"Aren't you going to be cold?"

"I'll be fine. Now come on! We're going to freeze to death if we stay here!" he urged, jumping out of the car.

C'mon, Horan. Man up. It's just a stupid abandoned house.

I got out finally, putting on the jacket, feeling the previous warmth from Zayn envelope me. The others were waiting for us, cowered together as the cold raindrops fell.

"Are we going to go in anytime soon? I'm going to lose my teeth pretty soon!" Louis pressured,  his teeth chattering.

"No need for the sass, Tomlinson," Harry smirked, beginning to walk up the long and narrow sidewalk that led to the door.

We had to walk in a single file line because the sidewalk was so skinny, and you'd break an ankle if you stepped into the gully. I walked behind Liam and in front of Drake, happy that I would have them beside me if I went into a panic attack.

I stood next to Drake when we got onto the rickety wooden porch, sort of hiding behind Liam. I saw Harry hesitating to try and open the door, which I was hoping was locked or jammed or something was blocking it.

"Dammit, Haz, just open it!" Josh commanded.

Harry reached for the worn antique doorknob, slowly twisting it. He pushed open the heavy door, the hinges creaking eerily as it moved. I gulped and took a deep breath as I followed everyone inside.

The place was deserted, a thick dusty fog had settled in the air. The floorboards were worn and looked as if they could break at any moment. The wallpaper was starting to fade, and was peeling at the edges.I looked down at the rug that Liam, Drake, and I were standing on; it had holes in, and if you looked as close as I did, you could see that there was small blood droplets staining the light colored material. I backed away, trying to get away from the old stain like it was going to come to life and kill me.

"Ni, what's wrong?" Liam whispered.

"T-there's blood right there," I stuttered.

"Do you know how old that probably is? Just don't think about it," he reassured.

Trapped In A Horror Movie AU (One Direction/Niall Horan) ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin