Tainted Love: Part Two

Start from the beginning

"I don't know if I like the sounds of that... Rey!" General Leia looks up and so does the First Order General. His smirk deepens. 

"Come join us," General Leia continues, waving me over. "You can give us some insight on how to approach this."

"I can't stay," I lie. "I have to go..." Where do I have to go?

"Any news from Finn and Rose?"

"There's been a response on the beacon. But it's still out of range for audio transmission."

"We're sending a fleet into the Otomok system tomorrow-"

"Can I join that fleet?" I ask quickly. "Please?" I hold my breath, hoping she'll say yes. I'll go either way, but it would be easier if it was approved.

"Poe's fleet is going elsewhere," she says.

I'm confused by this response, then realize that she must think I want to go to the Otomok system because I'd thought Poe was going. "That's fine. I want to help Finn and Rose, if they need it. They should have been back by now."

General Leia glances at the man beside her. "I don't see why not. General Hux?"

I clutch my shoulder bag tighter. So this is General Hux. He's less scary than I imagined, and more clean-cut, almost reasonable looking. He appears to be the exact opposite of Kylo. I try to imagine them ruling together but can't fathom it. He gives a curt not but doesn't say anything.

"Come by my quarters later to discuss it," General Leia says to me. "I'm in C-17"

"Thank you." I nod and then turn to leave. Seeing the two generals working together makes me both happy and sad at the same time, but I'm not sure why.

I get in the next elevator and push the second last button for the maintenance staff area. When I step out, I smell cooked food with lots of flavoring. The hallway floors aren't lined with carpet here and the doors on either side of the hall are not the sliding kind, but regular doors with handles. The sound of laughter and fast-talking drift out into the hall as I walk by an open door. The hum of the ship's engine is louder down here and it's quite warm too, likely because this floor is closer to the ship's engine.

I pass by an area full of clothes washing equipment. The smell of laundry cleaning soaps wafts out. This is the cleaning crew wing, not the maintenance staff area. I didn't realize their rooms would be right next to their work area.

Two girls walk out of the laundry room holding folded towels. When they see me they quickly stop talking.

"Hello miss," the older one says, with a thick accent. "Are you needing special laundry?"

"No, no," I say.

"Is there a problem, that we have made?"

I shake my head.

They exchange a look then nod to me and hurry away. A moment later they start whispering to each other. My heart feels heavy as I watch them walk off, leaning in close as they whisper. Then suddenly they both burst into laughter at the same time. It makes me think of Finn and Rose.

All of a sudden two children, who look like they're Cantonian peasants, race down the hall, almost knocking me over. They yell and keep going, running around me as though I'm a pillar which just happened to be in their way.

I shift my bag on my shoulder. The smell of food makes my stomach growl.

I'll go up and eat first, then find a place to settle in.

Up in the mess hall, the air is cooler and I take my time eating, watching crew members come in and out. They come in pairs or groups. Not one comes in alone. Pilots, Commanders, Officers and Medics.

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