Part 38 - 30th July 1970 (cont'd)

Start from the beginning

"I suppose you're right."

He kissed her. "We'll get through it all Lucy, whatever happens."

18th July 1970

"Morning Rose," said Paul as he came into the room carrying both boys. He sat them on their high chairs and began to prepare their bottles.

"Is Lucy not up yet?"

Paul smiled. "She was up on the night with Daniel so I thought I'd get them breakfasted and dressed and let Lucy sleep. I was going to bath them in the kitchen sink! They love that!"

Rose laughed. "Give me a shout if you need a hand then Paul. I'm cleaning the living room and the bathroom today."


Rose left the room and went about he jobs. Living completed, she headed upstairs. She was aware of Lucy moving around in the master bedroom but headed into the main bathroom to finish her cleaning. As she finished she came out onto the landing and was immediately aware of a sound like someone crying. She listened at the door of the master bedroom. She realized immediately that Lucy was crying. Opening the door, she went inside.

"Lucy, what's wrong?"

"Can't you knock!" snapped Lucy, turning away and wiping her eyes, "This is our private space!"

"I could hear you crying Lucy sweetheart. You've not been yourself for a few weeks now, I'm not prying, I'm worried about you."

"I'M FINE!" said Lucy, refusing to turn to face her.

"Anyone can see you're not though love." Rose came closer to her and sat on the bed, "Everything is alright between you and Paul isn't it? He's not messing you around like in the past?"

Lucy gave a bitter laugh. "No, we're fine! Probably too fine!"

"Do you want to talk Lucy love?"

She shook her head then suddenly jumped up and headed into the en suite bathroom. Through the closed door Rose could hear her being violently sick. It went on for several minutes before Lucy emerged from the bathroom, pale and shaky after her ordeal. She came over and sat on the bed.

"You're not very well are you Lucy love?"

Lucy shook her head. "I've felt better."

"Do you want me to call the doctor or Paul?"

Again she shook her head. "There's no point Rose. Paul knows and there's nothing a doctor can do anyway."


Lucy looked up and faced the older woman. "It's morning sickness Rose."

Rose looked stunned. "Morning sickness?"

Lucy nodded. "Early days but yes, I'm pregnant again."

"Can I get you something to ease it?"

"No, I need to rest and then it passes. I'll be fine."

"Well, congratulations to both of you."

"Thanks Rose."

Rose stood up. "I'll leave you to rest." She headed towards the door.

"Oh Rose!" Lucy called.


"Please don't say anything to dad about this. Like I said, it's still early days. I want to wait until I'm a bit further on before we break the news."

"Of course."

23rd July 1970.

Although still affected by morning sickness and tiredness, Lucy was beginning to feel better and more able to face life fully. The twins, now seven months old, were a true delight. They had begun to sit up and reach for things near them...especially Paul's guitar. He'd spend a few minutes one evening showing them his guitar and how to stroke the strings to make a sound. Delighted by their new discovery, both boys made a beeline for it whenever it was in the same room as them. Toys, shoes, cups of tea....anything they could reach was now theirs! Lucy had shown them the piano which she still played now and then. Daniel didn't like the sound as much as James who loved to bang his hands on it, shouting in his baby voice. They were becoming two very different personalities now and showing signs of trying to move more for themselves. Lucy wondered how long it would be before they were crawling and then walking!

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