I'm at a Payphone

Start from the beginning

"The penthouse?" The woman responded.

"Yes." I snapped.

"Okay, have a nice day." The woman said and the phone started ringing again.

"Hello?" A groggy voice answered. 

"Harry?" I said. "It's.. um. It's Andi?" There was a couple creaking sounds.

"Hey Andi!" Harry said, a lot more awake.

"Can you do me a favor..."


"I'm at the corner of Dixie Road and Huntington Parkway. There's Sam's Deli and a Dairy Queen right here, if that helps." Andi said.

"All right, I'll be there in 15 minutes." I said, yanking on a pair of striped boxers and darkwashed jeans. 

"Thank you so much Harry, I'll never call you again i swear." She said. "You probably think I'm so annoying."

I switched the phone to the other ear after pulling on a clean white t-shirt and a pair of Niall's purple Supra's. (shoes) I felt my heart flutter a little when she said that.

"You're not being annoying." I said softly. "And because you said that, I'll be there in ten minutes." I clicked 'End Call' on my iPhone before she could say anything else. 

I threw on my purple Jack Wills hoodie once I saw that i was raining outside. With one hand on the door, the other holding a banana, I quickly yelled "Lads, I'm going to pick up Andi, I'll be back in an hour." 

There were a couple muffled replies that sounded more like groans than coherent responses. I chuckled and opened the door, quickly jumping on the glass lift. It took me to the ground level where a large group of about 30 girls was standing. I pulled up my hood and started to walk in the direction of the doorway, keeping my eyes glued to the homescreen on my phone like I was busy doing something. The girls eyed me suspiciously and a few even dared to trail after me. I heard a few whispers like, "Ohmigosh is that Harry!" "That's totally him!" and "Tell him you want his gravy!" 

I rolled my eyes and as soon as I was out the hotel doors, I took off running towards my rental car. The girls, of course, started screaming as I scrambled to unlock the doors and slid into the driver's seat. I pulled out of the parking space and drove off, a few of the more athletic girls attempting to chase me. I made a quick left turn and started typing in the address to the Dairy Queen on my phone.

After driving for 10 minutes, I spotted the Dairy Queen and Andi standing patiently under the eaves, trying not to get too wet. I pulled up in front of her and jumped out of the car, opening the passenger side door for her to get in. 

"Thanks Harry." She said hoarsely, her lips a little blue. I ran back to the driver's side and got in the car. i pulled off my jacket and handed it to her. 

"Take off the wet stuff and put it on before you freeze to death." He scolded playfully.

"Okay Mother." Andi smiled and peeled off her peacoat and t-shirt and pulled on the hoodie. 

I quickly zipped back to the hotel and got out of the car, running to open Andi's door. She opened it straight into the family jewels. I winced.

"Oh Harry I'm so sorry..." She said. "Did I knock the air out of you?" 

"Yeah." I groaned. "You hit me in the stomach." I lied.

Andi grabbed my arm and shut the passenger door, pulling me towards the hotel. Once we were inside we were again mobbed by fans. They were screaming quite loud, probably because of Andi.

"Is that your girlfriend?" A lot of them were yelling.

"She's so pretty!" 

"She's ugly, why would you want to be with her?!"

"I hope you guys are happy! That's all that matters!" I heard one or two voices pipe up. I turned in the general direction of that voice and said, "THANK YOU." This caused tons more screaming and a few death glares from Andi. We ran to the see-through lift and jumped on, pressing the button that would take us to the top level. 

"Harry." Andi said as soon as the doors closed. I turned to her.

She stood there, in my purple jacket, her reddish brown hair flying all over the place and still looking perfect, and her adorable yellow eyes boring into mine. The jacket seemed to swallow her up, even though she stood a maximum three inches shorter than me. A tiny bit of her eyeliner was running, and the bags under her eyes seemed a little more noticeable because her skin was so white with the cold.

And yet she still looked beautiful. 

That was the first word I thought of when I saw her that night. The purpley curly hair, the yellow eyes, the smile, and her voice when she told me I was safe. All absolutely beautiful. But none of it was mine and, according to JP, none of it ever would because she was marrying that tool Cole. 

I leaned forward, and in front of 30 plus fans who could still see us in the elevator, I kissed her. 

She didn't pull back immediately, like I expected her to. Instead she leaned into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she reached up to knot her hands in my hair. The elevator screeched to a stop and her lips faltered. She jerked her head back, eyes wide as she tripped trying to get off the lift and away from me. 

"No." She whispered. "No, no, no..." 

"Andi, wait..." I said, stepping off the lift to follow her. She turned and ran down the hallway. I stood there, unsure of what exactly what was going on.

"I'm sorry." I heard her choke out before she disappeared through the door to the stairwell.

And I stood there, watching her go.

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