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You know I'll be your life, you voice, your reason to be...


"What's going on Cole?" I whispered, peering down the stairs to where he stood, shotgun resting on his shoulder. 

"Stay in your room, love." He said quietly waving his free hand away.

As if that would make me go faster.

I crawled back to our room and quietly got back into bed. I knew the screams would start soon, and I couldn't handle that. 

I reached into the nightstand and pulled out the cold medicine, grabbing a hand full of pills. I swallowed them one by one, already beginning to feel a little sleepy. 4, 5, 6 pills. I lay back on the pillow, but I was too late. From downstairs I heard cries and screams of those who were being tortured, because they had done something wrong. I reached a hand up to my face to brush the hair out of my eyes and realized I was crying. I let the tears flow freely down my face from then on, forming a little wet spot on my pillow. A few gun shots rang out, and I fell asleep soon afterwards.

When I wake up, I see Cole. He's standing in the doorway to our bedroom, a frown upon his face. When he sees that I am awake, he gives a weak smiled and moves over to the bed. He takes my hand and kneels down. "Do not make mistakes, Andi." He said. "Even the little ones may get you killed, and I never want to do what I just did to someone I love as much as you." 

I like how he stumbled over the last sentence, trying to avoid the words "kill" and "torture". 

I see what you did there.

I bit back a scream as he hit me. 

I knew that it would just make him angrier.

The blood rushed to my face and I reached up to touch the hand print I'm sure was there. Cole stood in front of me, clear disappointment in his face. 

"I just don't understand how you could have been so... reckless." Cole said quietly. 

"Jean-Paul and Felix were going to kill him, Cole!" I spat at him. "He's famous! People would have noticed if he had gone missing and-"

"That doesn't matter." Cole cut me off, no expression on his face. He was completely monotone.


"That doesn't matter." He repeated.

"Are you joking?" I exclaimed. "It would have compromised the safety of the entire gang! It would reach the news and the cops would start snooping around." She protested. 

"That doesn't matter." He said one more time, shrugging. "We could have held him for ransom."

At this, my jaw dropped open. Was he fucking insane? The cops would have our asses and we would be in jail before any of us could say, "oops." 

I tried to get up and walk away, but Cole grabbed my arm and held tight. 

"You need to fix this mistake Andi, or it will come back to haunt you." He released me.

I turned away and ran out of our mansion, yes some gang members do quite well in life, and started for the garage. Looking down at my arm, I could see the white imprints of Cole's fingers. I glanced down at my watch and realized I was supposed to be at work almost half an hour ago. I hopped into my car, a nice black and blue Mini Cooper, and drove off to the Club.

"C'mon Styles get dressed." Liam said from the doorway.

"I don't want to get up." I grumbled and rolled over. Every part of me hurt. Andi was right though, that poultice stuff was making the bruises go away faster. 

"Harold Edward Styles," Another voice, Louis, said. "You get up this instant or you will not be eating dinner young man!" 

"What time is it?" Harry groaned, rolling out of bed. 

"Almost eight pm." I heard Zayn say. I sat straight up. I had slept for 17 hours? What was wrong with me? "And we are going clubbing tonight, so get some nice clothes on." He said. The three of them left the room, leaving me to sleep a little bit longer on the floor. It was when I saw the dust bunnies under the bed that I decided to get up and hop in the shower.


I flipped my damp hair and parted it to the side before pulling on a Mick Jagger t-shirt and blue Hollister hoodie, a clean pair of jeans, blue Jordans, and slipping my classic dog tags over my head. I walked out into the kitchen to find that the guys had lied to me, and that there wasn't dinner ready. I mentally facepalmed myself. *no duh, none of them can cook* Louis said there was going to be food at the club, and I thanked him for doing some sort of research about this place before we went there. All we knew was that it was called "Psyche" and that it had killer dancers. 

We all piled into Louis' Range Rover and started off for the club.

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