Wake Up

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Tell me I'm the shit, I'm like "duh"...


The next morning, Harry woke up in his own hotel room. 

His head felt twenty times worse than when he was hungover, and he shut the blinds within four seconds of being awake. The part that annoyed him the most was that he couldn't remember what happened last night or how he ended up in his room. Harry threw the covers off and found that he was still dressed in the jeans he had been wearing last night, but his jacket and shirt had been removed, a multitude of neat white bandages covered him instead. He had an ugly purple bruise in the middle of his chest. The previous night came rushing pack to him, making his head spin and his stomach flop over. He reached for the wall and then dove into the bathroom, upchucking whatever food that girl had given him last night.

That girl...

Harry cracked a smile when he thought of her, the beautiful girl who helped him escape from those two men. 

Those two men...

Had stolen from him! Harry walked as fast as he could (without upsetting his stomach) to the kitchen. On the oak dinner table, which had been cleared off of leftover plates and garbage, was Harry's phone and wallet. He quickly flipped open the wallet, counted all his credit cards, and then checked to see how much money the men had stolen. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing missing. On the kitchen counter-top there was his room key and a plain white piece of paper, neatly folded up. He eagerly unfolded it and read:


You'll find more bandages and poultice solution next to the door. Change them every eight ours, it speeds up the healing process. Talk to your bandmates, tell them you're sorry from coming in so late last night and that there's Nandos in the fridge if they want it for lunch. Louis was awake when we got here, he had been waiting for you all night. He was really worried that something had happened to you. If I hadn't been there, I'm almost positive Jean-Paul and Felix would have killed you. Please never walk around alone at night. Others will not be so merciful. At least find one of my group to keep you safe. You can identify us by the infinity symbol tattooed on our thumbs, or occasionally on our wrists. Please be safe Harry. I don't think the band could handle it if anything happened to you.

Andi Pseudonym.

Harry grumbled something unintelligible. He was thinking, this girl is CRAZY out of her mind. He'd never had any problems before last night, and that was just because he tried to take a shortcut home. Harry was about the throw the note away when he heard a furious pounding on the door. Harry quickly went to the door and flung it open, not even bothering to check who it was first.

The rest of the band stood there, Louis' hand still raised as if to keep knocking. Of course, Daddy Direction spoke up first.

"Harry, where were you last night?" Liam exclaimed. Harry pulled up his shirt and pointed to the bandages on his chest and to the bruises on his face. 

"Getting beat up, how about you?" He shot back. Niall and Zayn's eyes went wide at nearly the same moment and they all pushed through the doorway into the room. Harry shut the door behind them. Louis calmly sat down at the kitchen table, hands folded neatly in front of him. He had already heard this story once.

"Niall there's Nandos in the fridge for you." Harry grumbled, sitting down at the table across from Louis. Niall paused, looking extremely pained like he wanted to go to the fridge but felt that it was slightly inappropriate at the present time.

He quickly sat down next to Louis, "I'll eat it later." he said. Those words were something that never came out of Niall's mouth. Liam stayed standing, leaning back against the wall.

"So you had time to get Nandos for Niall this morning, but you couldn't come and tell us that you were okay?" Liam said. "We were worried, Hazz." Liam said a little softer. Harry picked up the note he'd abandoned on the kitchen counter. He handed it to Liam, who read it over quickly. Zayn snatched it from Liam and read it next, before handing it to Niall and Louis. Louis shook his head.

"I was there when she wrote it." He said dryly. Liam shook his head.

"Harry I think you're in some serious stuff. Do you ever watch the News?" Liam asked. Harry shook his head. "The Infinity symbolizes a gang." Liam said.

"One of the three largest gangs in Toronto actually, the Triangle Gangs." Zayn supplied.

Liam turned to him, "I thought you fell asleep when they were running that story?" He said. Zayn shrugged. "There are three major gangs in Toronto, and they make up a Triangle." Liam continued. "The first gang, Feirst, rules the top of the triangle in northern downtown Toronto. Venera rules the right side of the triangle. And Infinity rules the left side of the triangle. That's the gang where you friend Andi is from."

Harry shook his head. "There's no way that girl was in a gang." He said, thinking back to how gentle and kind she had been to him last night.

"Harry," Louis finally spoke up. "She's not just 'in a gang'" He said slowly. 

"She's a Triangle Leader."

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