Chapter 2 - The powers of a seductress

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Bellatrix' Room, Black Manor, Countryside near London, February 1978

Bellatrix chilled in her bed, stroking her non-visible belly and thinking about how to break her news to Severus Snape. She still couldn't process that she was going to have a baby with him in a few months. She really hoped that their child would inherit her looks, although the jet black eyes of Severus' Snape weren't so bad after all. It was the only physical feature that had drawn her to him. His deep, mystery onyx eyes sparkled with an intoxicating fire when he was angry or smug about anything. Bellatrix only knew how his eyes seemed to light up like obsidian diamonds when he was livid about something, mocked someone or discussed some newly created spell or potion because she hadn't ever witnessed Severus' face and eyes shine up in happiness, love or felicity. Sure, she had also seen, how his dark eyes transformed into midnight black pots out of lust or bliss after orgasm. But she had never seen a happy smile on his face or a twinkle in the corners of his eyes. Nonetheless, she was addicted to his dark, blazing eyes and loved to gaze into them during sex. They really turned her on and she hoped that their child would inherit this feature from him if it didn't inherit her equally stunning grey-blue eyes.

Picturing this tiny embryo inside her womb as a living human with unique features felt still surreal and frightening. She didn't know how she should act as a good, loving mother. For one thing, her mother Druella had been a shitty example with her torturing curses, cruel jibs at her appearance and behavior as well as her controlling personality. For another thing, Bellatrix wasn't a lovey-touchy person and knew nothing about expressing care. Yet, she had vowed to never hurt her child, although she didn't know if she could love it. Bellatrix didn't believe in the existence of love, because she had never felt such an unconditional, innocent and pure emotion. No one had ever expressed to her that they loved her. And she hadn't felt the need to express this emotion to anyone else either. In her opinion, love was a foolish emotion that only weakened your power, clouded your brain and impeded your decisions. If you loved someone, you would do anything, to protect this person, so that you would be dependent on them. Love made oneself vulnerable because you adjusted your goals, behavior, and decisions to someone else. Thence, you couldn't act as freely and would always be driven by thoughts of the wellbeing of your loved ones. So, Bellatrix wanted to quash any emotions inside her heart. Besides that, she believed that all talks about the unique, all defeating power of love were myths to install some hope into the hearts and minds of the Light Side. Love couldn't win against pure magical power because it only turned off your logical mind and natural defenses.

Therefore, Bellatrix didn't know what love was and if she could ever feel something like that for her child. Naturally, she felt already connected to her baby and wanted to protect it from any harm because they shared one body and magical area. She vowed to herself, to like her child, care for it with responsibility and patience, educate it with set values, protect it from any harm and guarantee its happiness. Although her little baby wasn't planned, she didn't like little children in general and her pregnancy whirled her life plans, she vowed to be the best mother she could be. And thoughts of a little mini-me with her curly hair and blazing dark eyes warmed her heart already and encouraged her to look positively in the future. Despite not knowing more than the basics about magical pregnancies, births, and childcare – a mandatory course in her sixth year at Hogwarts took care of this -, she promised her unborn child to read everything about it. But before she would rush into any pregnancy books, she needed to figure out how she would contact the father-to-be, Severus Snape.

As he was currently still enrolled into Hogwarts and focused on his studies for his NEWT's, inventions in Potions and Charms and his apprenticeship under Master Greenstone, she couldn't just visit him and talk to him openly. Luckily for her, Valentine's Day was coming up this weekend, so that all Hogwarts students would visit Hogsmeade. She would write him a short letter and ask him about a date in the "Hog's Head Inn", stating some urgent business she needed to talk to him about. The "Hog's Head Inn" was a dark, shady establishment where they could talk in a private room without spying eyes. Sure, they would have to enact some security measures like Privacy Spells, Disguising Charms and Voice-Altering Spells, but they would be able to have a private chat inside a guest room. Merlin, Severus would most likely think that she had contacted him for a quick shag or to bear some message or task from the Dark Lord. Well, the smug, socially awkward Half-blood would be in for a huge surprise, although Bellatrix wasn't totally opposed to shagging him again. But she doubted that he would be up for it after she shattered his world with her pregnancy news.

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