Chapter 12

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I walked back downstairs to find Ryan, I was about to walk into the kitchen but then I saw him sitting back with his friends and I walked over and sat next to him.

He grabbed me by my hips and put me on his lap "okay guys now I know we aren't going to lose because I now have my good luck charm." He kissed my shoulder and put his arms around me placing the controller into my hands.

I smiled at the fact I Hadn't played in a while but I was just about to show them who dominates on this game.

I Waited for the count down and I went the opposite way everyone else did. Good this will be easier to prove then I thought.

Derek said "hey Em you know you are going to the wrong way right? You will get killed faster over there."

The smile on my face grew even bigger when I saw the first enemy. I killed him and the guy behind him back to back.

By the end of the game I was at the top of the leader board, only dying twice while everyone else died at least six times.

Spencer looked at me then said "well damn Em you have some serious skills there."

"Thanks growing up with a brother all of my life has finally paid off."

Ryan picked me up bridal style and carried me through the kitchen doors and set me on the counter.

"Wow this must be your favorite place to be!" I said smiling at him.

He grinned "yeah this is just a place where I feel we get to be alone the most and away from everyone else without taking you up to my room."

"Well what's wrong with being in your room?" I smiled playing with the end of his shirt.

"I just don't want anything to happen before it's time, I truly do love you Emily." he looked into my eyes moving a piece of hair that was in front of them, "I never thought I would ever be in love, I dated so many girls back in California I even said I love you to some of them, but I never meant it. Emily you have showed me what being in love truly feels like and I don't want anything to happen to this." He paused "Us."

I hugged him around his waist and looked up at him "I hope you know you mean a lot to me if I'm here with you right now instead of tanning on the beach."

A small smile appeared on his face and he leaned down and kissed my lips softy. I have never kissed a guy that was so controlling of the kiss, I was always in control.

That made me laugh and he backed up and said "What?"

I just said "nothing."

He nodded and said "okay."

He started kissing me again and this time I was taking control of it, but then I felt him trying to take control again.

Then I busted out laughing again.

"Okay I'm not going to kiss you again until you tell me what's so damn funny."

I laughed at how serious he looked "okay I just think it's funny that you are always trying to take control of the kiss, when I'm usually always the one to do it when I have kissed other people in the past."

He laughed "well my blue eyed baby that's because you were always with boys." He stopped and whispered in my ear. "This is a mans business."

He tilted my chin up and pecked my lips slowly moving faster and faster until I couldn't breathe anymore.

When he kissed me it felt like my body went numb and I lost all control, then it really hit me. I've never felt like this before either.

"You know I've always wondered, how did I ever get so lucky for a girl as amazing and brilliant as you find a guy like me."

"That guy like you deserves someone even better than me, because you are just one of the best people I have ever met in my life."

He shook his head "you're more perfect than you can imagine, you make my mind spin around so much I don't even know what's going on. Only a girl like you can make that happen."

I smiled and kissed him again, this time it felt like our lips were in synch like that's what we were made for."

He put his hands around my waist and slowly moved down. I smiled when he did it. he moved his head to the side " are you going to throw flour in my face again?"

I laughed and shook my head no.

He said "good" and cupped my ass tightly and pulled me Into him slowly setting me down on my feet. He kissed me one last time and he grabbed my hand walking me to the kitchen door.

"Where are we going?"

"Well we never found your friend last night and I was gonna go help you find her."

Right when he made me forget about everything that was happening, he made me remember everything that was going on at the same time.

"Oh um my brother called me and so did she."

He looked at me seriously "and! what did they say?"

"Gray told me he found her on the porch last night, but then Ally called me this morning saying she blacked out and woke up shirtless in his bed."

"Well why do you seem so upset?"

I just looked at him like he was stupid for a second. "She woke up naked in his bed? do you still not understand why I'm upset about it?"

He slowly shook his head looking at the ground and said "Emily if I were in his shoes and you were the girl I liked, it would put me into so much pain to see you everyday but not be able to have you. why don't you just let them be, if they aren't meant to be together they will seperate, but if they are meant to be together you should let them be happy."

"Why the hell did I have to meet a guy that's smarter than me."

"I'm not smarter, it's just I'm telling you how I would feel if I wasn't allowed to have you."

"I love you Ryan."

"I love you too Emily, and for the first time ever I felt like this was where I belonged."


We went to my house and settled everything, turns out they didn't do anything Ally was just being ally and got hot in the middle of the night and took her shirt off.

I tried to see if anything was going on between them, but it always looked as if they were just great friends.

We all four walked on the beach toward the rope swing Ryan and I went to.

We didn't really ditch Catie, but we thought she would have more fun with the guys than hanging out with two couples. Well one couple and two friends that act like they like each other.

We walked to the rope swing and Ryan made Gray go first then Ally, I was about to get on when he put his hand on my face and said "I can't help but think that this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You. I love you Em so much and I will never let you go even if the world depended on it."

He kissed me and grabbed onto the rope swing he pushed me off but he quickly jumped off two seconds behind me, he was trying to fall faster so he could grab me, he reached for my hand and pulled me into his chest and we fell into the water together.

I then answered him about what he said to me at the top of the rock "Ryan I wouldn't go anywhere even if the world depended on it."

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