Chapter 3

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"I hope you know that if there is any guy that screws with you or your heart, I will be on the first flight to Hawaii, and if the flight isn't fast enough I will swim there."

"Haha good to know Ally, I'll try to remember that."  I was trying really hard not to cry, because leaving my best friend is the hardest thing I would ever have to do.

"I'm being serious." She looked at me I could tell she was trying to stay strong and not break down crying.

"It's okay ally, I'll be fine. It's you I'm worried about."  I said pulling her into a big hug.

she stepped backward "Pshhh have I ever not been okay?" I looked at her and shook my head.

"That's what I thought." she said smiling with a tear rolling down her cheek.

I gave her another big hug, because this was it, the last time I will see her until August.

"Hey Em, promise me one thing. Promise me that once you find a guy that will sweep you off of your feet, you won't forget about me."

"Ally, never in a million years could a guy ever make me forget about you"

She gave me a weak smile and hugged me again. "Well time to go, you can't miss your flight."

I nodded my head, and turned around walking toward the door to leave. I turned around to a crying Ally. "I love you Ally!"

She smiled and said "love you too, don't get pregnant or anything."

I opened the door and turned back to her "Ally seriously that's what you say in a serious moment like this?"

she laughed "yeah you know me I cant stand anything serious."

I nodded and walked out of the door, into my car. looked at her house one more time and pulled out of the driveway.

once I got to my house I put all of my bags into my parents car, I still have no clue how we got everything to fit!

Then my parents, Gray, and I all went to the airport.

Well Hawaii here I come.


I woke up to my brother continuously poking my leg, I hit his shoulder to get him to stop touching me. I had fell asleep on the plane, because I had nothing else to do.

"What the heck Emily? Wake up and don't hit me this time, we are here!"

I sat up suddenly and looked out the window and saw paradise. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. Oh it wasn't a dream, I'm actually here. I stood up fast I almost fell over, then I was waiting to get off of this plane.

"Calm down Emily it's not like we are going to be here for a couple months or anything."

"Shut up gray, can you not ruin my moment please?" He rolled his eyes and walked out into the line of people waiting to get off, I quickly followed not wanting to wait any longer.

Well here we are Honolulu Hawaii. Gosh, this couldn't get more perfect. The sky is the perfect shade of blue, and it was hot, my kind of weather.

I walked into the airport and the air condition was blasting down as I walked through the doors. I absolutely love that, I would walk through it again if I wasn't in the middle of a gazillion people I don't know.

I walked over and picked up my luggage and walked over to my waiting family.

"How the heck did you guys already get off the plane, and get all of our bags?"

"Well dear, we aren't as fascinated with the airport like you are." My entire family laughed, especially Gray. The thing about  me and gray is we use to be really close, but ever since he went girl crazy, he doesn't really act like my brother any more.

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