Chapter 38: Triple the Surprise!

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"Fuck my life." Jaimee mumbled as her body was wrapped in the covers. She sighed and gripped the sheets due to the pain and cramps she felt in her stomach.

Jaimee rolled over on her back and sighed once more. She got off the bed and went to the bathroom to urinate where she noticed she got her period.

She cleaned herself up by taking a well needed shower and got dressed in a pair of sweat suit, to begin her day then took some pills amd finished her hygiene.

Jaimee jogged downstairs where she heard the kids screaming and yelling, then went in the living room where she saw Jacion and Reagan reading a book, Natalia and Nasir fighting eachh other with pillows and Jasmine about to throw her shoe at the glass wall.

"Jasmine Shaylee Menefee!! I dare you to throw that shoe!" Jaimee yelled, catching their attention.

"I'm sorry mom." she said.

"Clean up this living room now." she ordered.

"But mom, they was the one who made a mess." Jacion whined and Reagan agreed.

"You're the oldest, and i expect you to set examples for your younger siblings. So all of you are gonna clean up then come eat breakfast." she said and left them.

Jaimee went into the kitchen to prepare pancakes, waffles, fruits and milk for them. They sat around the table once they were finish cleaning up and Jaimee sat their plates infront of them. They said grace and ate in silence and once they were finish, they cleaned the table while Jaimee washed the dishes.

"Mom when are we gonna do the package for dad?" Natalia ask.

"Right now baby." she told her and wiped her hands.

Jasmine walked behind Jaimee and went into the living room while Jaimee went for a box and returned.

"Okay. Here's how this is gonna go." she said once they surrounded her in circle. "You are gonna go for anything you want dad to see. It could be a letter, a snack, anything." she told them and they got up. While Jaimee waited, the doorbell rang. She got up from her seating position near the glass wall and went to get it.

Upon opening the door, two mail men stood there.

"Packages for a Mrs. Menefee?"


One of the men went for the packages while the other allowed Jaimee to sign the papers for them. When the guy came back, she had received 4 packages varying from large to small.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." they said before leaving.

Jaimee closed the door and had to push them to the living room since one of it was extra heavy.

"Mom what's that?" Nasir ask with alot of items infront of them.

"I don't know yet." she said. Jaimee went for a small knife and started by cutting the huge box open. She took out the small foams and bubble wraps that was ontop and the kids quickly took them up and burst them.

Jaimee looked in the box and saw 4 frames in bubble wrapped bag and took one out. She remembered she had ask someone from New York to make a picture frame after she had did the photo shoot with the kids.

"Woowww." they dropped the wraps and walked over to where Jaimee was looking at a picture with Keyeion. Out of all the frames, his was the largest. A 30 by 40 frame to be exact.

"He's so handsome. Mom why can't i go in the box too? I promise they won't know I'm in it." Jasmine ask.

"Baby you just can't." she smiled and Jasmine frowned.

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