Chapter 37: Check Yourself

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Dice had just gotten off work and was in walmart looking at the different pregnancy test. He removed his hat and scratched his head with his key's. Picking up a box, he read over what it said then threw it down and kissed his teeth.

"That was my first expression." a guy stood beside him with a baby on his shoulder.

"Man ion know which one to choose, she ain't even tell me. I didn't even ask." he said.

"First time?"

"Yeah man."

"I made the mistake of picking up a cheap ass test and got cussed out for it. So I'll advise you to get the first response.... And the clearblue." he took them down and handed them to Dice.

"Thanks bruh."

"No problem. And congratulations if it's positive." he said and Dice nodded.

He went to cash out his items along with a huge bag of gummy worms, snacks and some twizzlers. He got in his car and made his way home, all the while thinking about Jada.

When he arrived, he pulled up and parked beside Jada's car just as she was getting out and was on a call. He switched the car off and took out the bags locked up.

"Hey." he said hugged her and pecked her lips.

"Hi." she said.

The two went inside and up to their room all the while he sat and waited for her to finish talking to Jalissa acter putting up the snacks.

"You wanna come in with me? I don't wanna do it by myself." she told him while taking out the pregnancy test.

"You scared?"

"Not really. But kinda." she shrugged.

"Aite. I wasn't gonna let you do it by yourself." he went in the bathroom with her and helped her open the boxes. "How does this work?" he looked at the sticks.

"I gotta pee on it." she looked at him.

"Oh." he looked shock. "You want me to watch you do it orrr?"

Jada laughed. "Babe it don't matter to me."

"Okay." he sighed and held his chest.

Dice sat on the tub and motioned for her to do what she gotta do. He watched as she sat on the toilet and patiently waited, then pee'd on the four of the sticks and fixed her clothes. Jada put the cover back on them and lined them out on the counter before washing her hands.

"What do we do now?" he ask and look at the tests.

"It won't take long so i guess we should get ready to head over my mom in the meanwhile."

"Alright we'll do that then."

They took a shower and started getting ready together where Jada was dressed in a black thrasher dress shirt and some black knee high boots.

Dice was dressed in a thrasher hoodie, a pair of jeans and black air forces. The two had their hair in a pony tail and was putting on some jewellery.

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