The End?

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     A dark figure emerged from a secret entrance in the throne room. He approached the bodies that were still lying on the floor, particularly the body that was Sinergy's. He smiled to himself knowing that his plan had worked.

     The mystery man left the body and made his way across the throne room and towards the stairs. He ascended the stairs quickly and quietly remembering that if he was caught all this would have been for not.

     As he approached a particular picture of himself and King Richard, he lifted the frame and felt around behind it. Once his hand clasped something solid, he knew he had what he needed.
When he withdrew his hand he saw the all too familiar watch. The watch itself was black with a red dial, but in the center was what made it super unique. The red ruby shaped like a flame.

     The man strapped the watch to the wrist and thrust his had at the picture, immediately the frame caught fire on his command. He laughed as the picture of King Richard and Sinergy burned to a crisp. In a few hours his plan would be in motion and no one could stop him, especially not some medalling teens.

     As the flames ate the picture hungrily, the man spoke for the first time. "They will all burn," and with that he disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared.

Aqua and Firestar (rough version of The Water Warrior)(Book 1) (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ