Chapter 1: Jacob's Journal

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As I am reading the letter from Jacob I feel goosebumps on my arm even though it is warm in the room. I open the next item in the box and it is a journal. I look at it and decide to read a little bit of it before I go to bed.

Night One:

                           Tonight is my first night on the job. As I walk into the sanitarium I notice something odd about it. Usually, when you see a sanitarium depicted on tv there are patients that get very loud and uncontrollable but within the sanitarium, there was only silence. I asked one of the nurses that I was introduced to about it and all she would say is," We take very good care of our patients here." As she finished speaking to me one of the doctors escorted me down the hall to where I would help with my first patient. As they brought him in I was perplexed. I wondered to myself, How does such a normal man wind up in a sanitarium like this? The rest of my night was pretty good although at one point I was a little creeped out by the way the doctor stared at me.

As I was sitting there reading the first journal entry I heard the wind whipping through the trees and suddenly the lights went out. I could not help but jump. Reading the things sent by Jacob scared me a little but my curiosity got the better of me. I could not go to sleep before reading one of the medical files he sent me, so I decided to grab a flashlight. As I began to look for the file in the box I noticed it had a note on top of it that said," This is my first patient's file. Look through it very carefully, because what you figure out and how fast you figure it out could just save our lives."

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