Sadie Hawkins

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So, here's what you missed on Unrequited...
The New Directions lost to the Warblers at Sectionals when the reader collapsed in the middle of the show. So, Sue took over the choir room and now the Glee Club is homeless. Jake and Marley are almost an item while the reader has kind of been dating Ryder even though they aren't official. Plus, Kitty has been strangely nice lately and now her and the reader have decided to become friends. And that's what you missed on Unrequited!

So, Ryder and I have been hanging out a lot. Like, daily. I'm really into him and I can tell that he feels the same but he still hasn't officially asked me out. When people ask me, I don't know if I'm allowed to say we're in a relationship or that I'm his girlfriend. It's starting to make me really insecure that he's embarrassed to be with me. I mean, he played football and basketball for crying out loud. That makes him the popular jock type. Not to mention that he's like h-o-t hot.

Blaine comes home one day and tells me that Tina is spearheading the council for the first annual Sadie Hawkins dance at McKinley. This is the perfect excuse to ask him about the status of what we're doing. I'm anxious just thinking about it.

Kitty and I are standing at her locker talking about the dance. I glance up and happen to see that a group of the Glee boys are walking down the hall in our direction. Ryder is with them. Now's my chance. I'm about to walk over and ask him when a Cheerio in a neck brace separates him from the group. I stand there mortified as they smile at each other.

The rest of the boys are walking passed us when I grab Jake by the arm to talk to him. "What is going on with that?" I try to sound just curious and not nauseous.

"I don't know," he says as he looks back at them. "She's probably asking him to the dance."

I let go and he continues on his way. Kitty places her hand on my arm comfortingly while I watch the scene unfold. Suddenly, Ryder glances away from the Cheerio and he sees me. I breathe in deeply and Kitty ushers me away before anything else happens. She's been a really good friend these past few weeks.

Finn calls a Glee Club meeting for our assignment this week. We meet in the astronomy classroom. I notice that Sugar is there and I wonder if she's officially back in Glee Club or not. I sit down next to Ryder and he smiles gorgeously at me. I bite my lip and smile back.

Written on the board is "Lady's Choice." Finn steps up in front of us and tells us that the assignment is inspired by the Sadie Hawkins dance. Of course, Tina gloats about how the dance was her idea and I roll my eyes. I'm really tired of her. "Every girl will sing to whoever they want to take to the dance," he explains.

I breathe in sadly and glance over at Ryder. He's already looking in my direction. I feel my neck heat up as I become anxious. Our attention is drawn to the doorway when Kitty enters. "I, for one, love this lesson," she says cheekily. "I've got a song I want to sing to somebody," she continues with flirty eyes when she looks at Jake.

I roll my eyes, knowing that she's up to something evil.

I start wracking my brain with potential songs I can sing to Ryder to ask him to the dance. But, none of them seem right. Should I even ask him? What if he said yes to the Cheerio? I notice Kitty walking on my way to the locker room where Finn has scheduled our next Glee Club meeting. Sidling up beside her, I loop my arm through hers.

"What-" she begins to snap before she sees that it's me. "Oh, y/n. Hey, what's up?" She asks cheerily.

I lean over so that I can speak lowly. "Why are you trying to seduce Jake?" I ask concerned. "You know him and Marley are almost a thing," I point out.

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