Glee, Actually

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I'm sitting at home, writing ideas for Christmas gifts for everyone. Then, furiously scratching them all out because they suck. I mean, what do I even get Blaine? He's probably tired of getting bow ties. I mean I was supposed to be his support system for when Kurt came back for Christmas, but he called and said he had to start saving his money for NYADA.

Kurt's dad actually flew Blaine out to New York as a Christmas gift so I can't support him from Ohio. I decide to move on down the list to start with someone easier. Marley and I decided not to exchange gifts. I didn't want to make her feel bad by getting her something when she can't afford to do the same because they're saving up for a doctor that specializes in eating disorders.

I've already gotten most of the New Directions small things that are personalized to them. All that's left is Jake, Kitty, and Ryder. I head to the mall to look around for ideas. We have a little over a week until Christmas and I want to give the presents away before everyone goes on vacation. I decide to go to a jewelry shop to shop for Kitty. I browse the displays, looking for the piece that screams "Kitty."

My eyes rest on a delicate set of earrings that are perfect. I buy them immediately and head to a music shop for Jake. I browse the pick section. I find a beautifully colored one and have the store engrave it to personalize it. Two down, one to go. I spend hours going in and out of every single store in that mall. I just haven't seen anything that says "Ryder would love this."

I've almost given up on my mission and head for the exit when I see something in the window of a shop. Lights and bells and whistles go off in my head when I see it, deducing that this is the most perfect gift for him. I go in and immediately buy the last one, not even caring about the price. Once home, I wrap all of the presents in gorgeous paper and set them next to my backpack giddily.

At school.

I walk the halls cheerfully looking for the recipients of my gifts. I see Jake standing by himself on the phone. Skipping up to him, I hear the conversation he's having. He hangs up and turns around to see me. "Hey, y/n!" He greets me kindly. "I didn't see you there. Nice outfit, by the way." He compliments me after looking over my ensemble.

I love dressing up in costumes, so to get in the Christmas spirit I decided to wear a green velvet dress that flares at my thighs from the tulle underneath with white fuzzy trim and a wide buckled belt. I don a matching cap over my curly fishtail braid and short green and white striped socks stick out of my black heeled ankle boots. It's almost like a cute Mrs. Clause outfit, except instead of red it's green.

"Thanks!" I say cheerfully as I cross my legs and do a little curtsy. "Was that your mom on the phone?"

He nods, sticking the phone back in his pocket. "Yeah, just setting up vacation plans," he explains.

"Oh, cool," I say as I reach into my backpack for his present. "Well, I wanted to give you this before you left. So, I hope you like it," I chatter excitedly as I hand him a circular box that fits in the palm of his hand.

He starts unwrapping it slowly. "Y/n, you didn't have to get me anything," he says bashfully. "I didn't even get you anything." I shrug as he finishes opening it and I have to bite my lip to keep from squealing in excitement as he takes the pick out and sees the engraving.

"Merry Hanukkah!!" I laugh as I cheer. "Do you like it?" I ask worriedly.

He sets the pick back in the box and smiles at me. "A pick engraved with the Star of David? Of course, I love it," he gushes, pulling me in for a hug.

"Yay!!" I say relieved as I hug him back. "Well," I say as I pull away, "I have other presents to deliver. So, I hope you enjoy your vacation!" I smile broadly at him.

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