" About whom you are talking Rahul?" Muskaan comes and asks him sitting beside him.

" N.nothing....." Rahul says and gulps to which Armaan laughs.

" kuch toh hua hai.....kuch ho gayya hai......." Atul sits beside Anji while singing narrowing his eyes at Rahul who glares at him.

" Shut up Atul" Anji says sternly and Atul becomes quiet.


Armaan and Shilpa will be talking while walking in the corridor. Armaan will be slightly limping due to the pain in his ankle. Shilpa is interrupted by the nurse asking for the file.

Armaan trembles and tries to balance himself but loses his balance. Riddhima who sees this runs to hold him but eventually both falls down.

Armaan on the floor and Riddhima on top of him holding his shirt tightly in fear closing her eyes. She opens her eyes to see a pair of blue eyes staring at her and their eyes are locked. Armaan tucks slowly her hair strands behind her ear which are falling on their faces while his other hand will be around her waist and her heart beats faster with his touch and because of their lying position.

They will be in such position until Shilpa comes to their help . Shilpa helps riddhima to stand on her feet and they both help armaan to make him stand without stressing on his wounds.

Sid who stands on the other side watches armaan and Riddhima falling ,their eye lock,their little moment and gets angry and walks off from there furiously.


Night at Sid's house:

Sid will be restless thinking about Armaan and Riddhima. He will be getting flashes of Riddhima being close with armaan. He had seen riddhima in armaan's arms, he had seen riddhima crying for armaan, he had seen riddhima close to armaan  taking care of him,he had seen riddhima in the same state as when she was searching for armaan in Panchgani, he had seen same emotions were running through her when she was totally madly in love with Armaan and the most disturbing fact for Sid is that he had seen same love for Armaan in her eyes again.

Sid is upset with riddhima. Sid was angry and furious on armaan as he is losing his wife because of him. He is rage of bursting but controls himself to deal this with patience. But he is tired of waiting,he is tired of being in patience, he is tired of his one sided love for his wife.

He decided no matter what he is not going to lose his wife. He decides to not to make his love and marriage fail. He decides to be strong and fight to make this marriage work instead of being weak and vulnerable.



Muskaan is ready to go back to Chandigarh while Rahul is ready to go  behind Muskaan to convince her and make her fall in love with him again.
Anji and Atul are also ready to go back to Delhi.

They all come to sanjeevani to bid their good byes to everyone with heavy hearts as they don't want to leave Mumbai and go.

Muskaan and Rahul will be tensed considering Armaan's decision as they are hell worried for Armaan and Riddhima.

On the other side riddhima also will be feeling uneasiness in her heart since morning. She feels restless and she feels more uneasiness when she sees armaan in his own world, lost in his thoughts,tensed about something.


" I don't want you guys to leave ,I will miss you all so much " riddhima says sadly with tears.

" Ridz don't worry we will be coming whenever possible during our leaves" Atul says with a side hug.

" Ridz please don't cry I will try to come in the weekends whenever possible.....ok " Anji comforts her by hugging.

" Riddhima we wish we could stay for few more days but it was already delayed to the Armaan's accident and all. Please take care of yourself and don't worry,ok" Rahul says hugging her.

Armaan and Muskaan stays quiet all the time while Riddhima looks them. Again she gets the same feeling seeing armaan so calm and behaving unusual. She looks at Muskaan who is holding back her tears.

" Why are you so calm? You will not say goodbye to us?" Ridz asks Muskaan who looks at armaan who will be just looking down to hold back his tears.

" Ridz.....woh.....mein.....kaise....." Muskaan doesn't find any words to say and cries hugging riddhima.

" Take care ridz......I will pray to God that he should give you your happiness......and we all will talk on the phones so don't worry" Muskaan says releasing from hug.

" Armaan mere Bhai mein tumhe bahut miss karoonga" Atul says hugging armaan with tears and Armaan hugs him back tightly.

" I will miss you so much,please take of your wounds and your health" Anji says hugging him.

Muskaan and Rahul looks at armaan who looks back at them. Rahul sighs to armaan at riddhima to talk to her.

" I need to go to Dr. Shashank so guys excuse me for some time" saying this armaan walks away from there and Rahul sighs.


Since Shashank and keerthi are busy in some important surgeries all of them thought to wait for sometime to bid them goodbye and leave.

Armaan will be restless as he will be conflicting with his inner. He thinks he should be strong and should stand on his decision. He wants to talk to Shashank since morning but he was very busy. He waits to talk to Shashank first and then others. He is worried for how riddhima will react but thinks this is all for our good.

Gang meets others such as Shilpa, JP,jiggy,Sid and some nurses and bid their goodbyes.

Armaan, Riddhima, Muskaan, Rahul,Atul , Anjali,Shilpa, JP and Jiggy will b sitting in cafe talking and laughing. All will be waiting for Shashank and keerthi for saying their goodbyes but armaan is restlessly waiting to inform his decision as he thinks it is better to finish this matter as soon as possible.

To be continued...........

Love AR.

AR - MEANT TO BE TOGETHER💔💓❤️💖 ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें