Chapter 17- You guys are going to eat me alive.

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 Episode: 170

Left: 50

(sry ^.^ btw the first part IS in naruto for once ya! i worked somethin in!)

I stood beside sasuke as we stood by orochimaru. I glared at the green haired man. Sasuke glared up at the guy too and showed his sharingan.

"Some things are meant to be unsaid." 


I walked down the hallway, by sasuke....again. Damn this mission. He honestly is the last person i want to be with. After that....incident at the falls, only a few moments have been un-awkward. And those moments were complete chaos. Like when I taught Mr.Fluffykins to attack sasuke, Orochimaru was pretty pleased and let me keep him by the way! Or the time we played poker at 4:00 in the morning with the other ninja at the hideout.

We walked in an uncomfortable silence. My thoughts drifted towards my family.

Gaara....what was he doing now? Temari, maybe she was shopping off her worries. Kankuro. Training. When ever he was happy, upset, mad, sad, any emotion, he always found comfort and more joy in his puppets.

And sakura, one of my first friends. I havent talked to her since....since. I dont even know. Its been so long. She must be training. She has to be! After her love leaving her...she must want him back more than anything...her and...and-

Naruto...what are you doing now Naruto? Perhaps your on a mission, or planning to save sasuke. I miss him more than i should, more than I thought I would. I miss his attitude on life, his determination. I even miss his voice. I miss Naruto completely.

Why am I thinking so much of Naruto? Do I like him? he's just a friend. Like sasuke. Speaking of him, we were still walking in that same awkward silence stepping in sync.

" Airi." Beeeaaavvveerrr dam what am i gonna do!? He's tlaking to me! Wait, play it cool, play it coooooolll. 

He let out a deep sigh and leaned up against the wall to his bedroom running a hand through his hair. He either noticed i got off track again as usual or somethings really stressing him out.

" Your acting...different. Ever since the waterfall, is it-" Lets just be blunt, im sick of pretending like it didnt happen.

" Eversince you kissed me, ya. I know i've been acting strange even to me." He crossed his arms and rolled off of the wall, opening his door and leaving it open, signalling for me to come in. I followed and shut the door behind me- the ninjas here are so nosy, they're always looking for something to be entertained by and my pain is one of their many ways of entertainment.

He layed down on the bed and crossed his arms over his eyes. I swiftly jumped on the bed in a criss-cross-apple sauce position at his feet. He peeked at me through his arms and gave out a barely audible chuckle. But to me it was like he was roaring with laughter. 

" What so funny?" He propped himself up on his elbows and smirked.

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