Chapter 16- Meet Mr.Fluffikins he is an awesome duck killing ball of pure evil

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For those who wanna keep track: 

On ep 169 (XD im sorry!)

Left 2 go til Shipp. : 50 

Sasuke's POV

Ugh, why cant I wake up like a normal person!? Better yet like Airi! At 2:00 in the afternoon!

I got out of bed slowly and put my shirt and pants on. Jeez, its 5:00 in the morning. Who the hell is up at 5 in the morning!?

I walked through the hallways to go get breakfast. Food. As i neared the kitchen i heard some of Orochimaru's pawns talking at a table, eating their breakfast. Maybe everyone here wakes up at inhumanely hours. At least im not Gaara...

I grabbed an apple and sat down at the table. They greeted me quickly before going back to talk about...Pokemon? Ok, sure squirtle is soooo much better than jiggly puff, you believe that dude, you belive really need to stop hanging out with Kabuto and his dumb cards.

I checked the clock. She should be waking up about now. And I was extremely bored. Ya, lets go bug airi. I strolled back to the hallway with our rooms and before opening the door heard a meow.

If she tries to keep one more cat I swear!-......

"Dont worry and i...will rule this world." Alright. Not weird at all. What demon possesed- you know what? I really dont want to know what physcotic demon is sealed inside of her. I quickly closed the door and ran down the hall, i dont feel like being mauled by a cat.

"YOU SAW NOTHINGGGGGGGGGG! GO MR.FLUFFIKINS GOOOO!!" Shit shit shit shit shit! Its cooommmiiingggg. 

Airi: Ok Stop RIGHT THERE! You pervsssss 

Naruto: Its over already!?

Sasuke: No dumbass for some reason she stopped at a really awesome part!

Airi: OK! Continue.....

Run Run Run Run. 

"GAH!" The cat! Its f'ing evil!

" I trained it to kill ducks." I stared at her with wide eyes as she glared down  at me while...s-smiling?

"What. The. Hell. Are. You. ON!?" 

" Sorry, sasuke" Kabuto walked by me and picked the cat up. "Forgot to tell you, she somehow got out of her room last night and got into the kitchen, she ate three cartens of icecream and fifteen cakes. FIFTEEN CAKES! All because one idiot forgot to lock it up."

"Hey! Sas-gay! Where are you going!?" Airi shouted at me laughing and smiling as twinkles surrounded her.

"Im going to go lock up the sweets." I kunai flew past me and cut my cheek.

"Over mr. Fluffikins dead body.MEEOOOWOWWW HISSSSSS!" 

I wish I could say that was Mr. FLuffikins. I really could. Why did I get stuck with such a lunatic? 


Well im just trying to invision how airi would make their oh-so-wonderful stay with orochimaru fun, honestly im not far enough into the Naruto episode 2 get there and I have a sleep away no technology camp not this sunday. but next! So ya. And three days of camp startin monday. Fun. Anyways. :) I really enjoy making these crazy little stories, for the moment its all I can do. MUST GET TO SHIPPUDEN! Stupid facebook memes making me distracted! BTW by now u guys should know to read these things because they are normally informitive but also kinda crazy. Who knows. I think im funny, im probably just some crazy loser and guys find these stories annoying AND IM SORRRYRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYy!!!!!!!! TYPING FAIL BUT I DON WANNA FIX IIIIITTTT!

Anyways (i say tht alot XD i have ADD/ADHD, or i have reason to believe so, X3) so ya..........tell me if you dont mind these stories as long as I post because im trying to add more chapters until we get 2 dunDUN DUN DUUUUUUNNNN *super hero duns not jaws duns k?* Shippudeennnnn yup. wow i typed alot. fingers. hurt. not rly. lol *clicks away to go watch naruto*

And for those of you who are wondering: Im on episode 169 (XD im so immature. I started laughing so hard when i saw that was my friends on FB 1time...huh? oh ya im obsessed with FB haha! well at the time being) and soon 2 be 170. so lets say 170-220= waiiit uther way around no wonder i got a C on my math exam XD ( not my fault btw) 220-170= 50 more episodesss! yesh! So calm your lava lamps ppl!

Alright peace ima post the number of episodes left at the top of evry "chpter" so you know where i am ;) +1000000000000 points if u red all this +100 if u read the bottum +10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points if u went back and red it aftr reading the bottum and a balloon for those who didnt read it...but idk how ur supposed 2 know about ur ballooon if u didnt read it so.... :\

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