Chapter 8- Damn....just dammmmmmmn

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Chapter 8- Dam....just dammmmmmmn

Beginning Song: 


I sat on top of the roof watching the sunrise. I looked to gaara next to me and sighed. I have so many questions in my mind. Why couldnt i sleep last night? Is sasuke really dangerous? What goes on in Temari and Kankuro's room at night and why is there yelling? 

"Airi....the exams are today." Gaara said still staring at the sky. I nodded.

"Ya...we're almost chunnin..." I said turning towards him. "Have you gotten the scheduel? What do we do? Where do we go?" I asked getting a slight pang of nervousness in my chest.

"We take a written test, then we battle in the Forest of Death for scrolls, then we battle against each other a month later in an arena." He said glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. Was that worry in his eyes? No it cant be. Gaara doesnt worry. All he does is hate and kill.

I climbed off of the roof due to hunger and strolled into the kitchen where a very,VERY worried pair of siblings stood. 

"Morning." I said taking a sip of what kankuro was drinking. My eyes went wide and i quickly spit it out before they noticed.

"Airi! Where have you been!?" I blinked at Temari continued to yell at me. Kankuro just watched, looking like he had no clue what was going on. I walked over to the couch and sat down, propping my legs up while Temari nagged me about how "worried" she had been.

"I was on the roof with Gaara.." I said whe she took a breath. She let her breath out.

"Oh...why were you up there when you could be sleeping?" She asked with her usually attitude.

"I wasnt tired so i stayed up there with him last night." Kankuro's aura darkened around him.

"You...couldnt sleep..." Temari looked slightly worried too.

"Its no big deal. It could just be a temporary minor case of insomnia." I said. They looked at each other.

"Lets hope so." I rolled my eyes. They were getting on my nerves, the last thing i want to hear first thing in the morning is Temari yelling at me and kankuro looking like a dumba**. I accidentally said that outloud and they looked furious.

"What're you gonna do? Hurt me?" I mocked, clearly pissed. 

Heh, i like your attitude chick.

Your a new voice. I said inside my head.

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