Chapter 5-Meeting the other teams!

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Meeting other teams!


How long have these two been watching me?!


A kunai ran past my face and I heard an ouch from the darkness.

"You little brat!" I closed my eyes and waiting for impact. The hand was lifted from my face and i was dropped to the ground. I heard footsteps run towards. I put my hands over my head and doubled over, scared. My sobs pierced the silence of the night. A hand layed on my back. I then heard a sigh.

"Your not going to get up are you?" Sasuke... I sobbed one last time and started to [weakly] get up.

"Come on, lets get you home." He scooped me up and carried me bridal style to my hotel.

"I told you to be careful." He said aggrivated.

"Im sorry." I apoligized.

"Sorry doesnt cut it!" I close my eyes tightly.

"They couldve killed you! And then you know what wouldve happened?! Your brother wouldve gone and killed everyone!" My eyes shot open...he was right. I burst out into tears. 

"Oh god. Dont cry." He put me down and knelt down to me. He lifted my chin up and I looked at him.

"Your did he find you the other night." He stated mroe than asked.

"He can smell my blood." I said biteing my lip slightly. He took out a kunai and ran it on my arm.

" Be careful. I dont want to save you anymore. Loser." He gaze turned cold and he ran off. Gaara quickly showed up and examined my arm.

"Who did this to you?!" He asked furious.

"T-that m-man i-in the cloak i t-told you a-about." I lied trying to save sasuke.

"Dammit! Where the hell is he?! I'll kill him!" Gaara's sand wrapped around me and pulled me towards him.

"What does shukaku say?"

"He thinks your lying..." He said ignoring my question a tiny bit and looking around to see if he could find any traces of where the strange teenager went.

I gulped.

"W-why would  I l-lie?" I asked stuttering.

"Exactly, why would you lie about someone hurting you." He droned wrap his arm around me.

"Thats it. Your a ninja from the sand village. You need to toughen up. This is the last straw. Kankuro can suck it up."  The sand incircled us and we were soon soaring to the hotel, roof to roof.

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