Coincidences pt. 2

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Hard pellets of rain hit the young man as he stood surrounded by stones that held useless meanings to him. His head hung low as he stared at the floral covered grave that held the rawest, uncovered earth. His grandfather's name was proudly displayed in cursive lettering, and it made his chest feel heavy and useless, just like the rain that soaked and chilled him to the bone, yet his eyes held no tears. He had already grieved and settled all the financial problems. His eyes now had the darkest of bags under them, his eyes were bloodshot from crying, and his skin was almost a deathlike pale.

His shoe scuffed up some dirt at the edge of the grave, and he set the sunflowers down where his grandfather's heart would be. The sound of rain was constant as he closed his eyes and prayed to the good Lord that his grandfather was where he should rightfully be before sauntering away from his father figure's grave and towards the black Chevy Cobalt that he owned.

His eyes were unfocused as he made his way back to the restaurant he now owned, and his hands squeezed the wheel as tight as a boa constrictor on it's prey. The sun didn't dare come out for the entire week after his grandfather died, and he wondered if the Earth were mourning it's loss to the one person who truly loved it.

The thought made the young Italian swallow hard as he wiped the water rivulets off his forehead and nose. His heart squeezed with sympathy as he pulled out of the guarded cemetery and drove back towards the city in the distance. He unconsciously let his eyes stray to where his grandfather's restaurant used to be only to watch as a wrecking ball crashed into it and sent all the bricks flying. His breathing became unstable and his foot slammed on the brakes as he pulled in next to the cause of his grandfather's life work's destruction. His fingers pushed the car in park before he ran out of his car to run up to the rubble.

His voice was loud yet hysterical as he cried out, "WHAT DO YOU TH-THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"

Feliciano's heart felt like someone had ran a knife straight through it, and his chest tightened as the unshed tears came back to his tired eyes. The construction workers' heads all swiveled to the Italian boy only for some of them to rush up to him as the small Italian man rushed the crane worker. His arms went up to the man in the crane; his nails scratching at the man's wrist to try and pull him out, yet his frail and smaller body was pulled back by another construction worker. He started to thrash as he heard the crane man yell in pain and right as he tried to sink his teeth into the pale exposed arm that held him, the man threw the Italian to the ground and pinned his arms. Feli's amber eyes watched as everything his Grandpa built was destroyed in front of his eyes. Something felt hollow in his chest as his face was pressed to the hard concrete and his wrists were slapped with cold metal.

"You assaulted a worker, bit the other one, and got in jail because of it. Great job Feli. How do you think Grandpa would feel?" Romano's voice was full of sarcasm as he stood in front of the cell, the door clacking open with several clicks.

Feliciano just pushed past his brother in an attempt to avoid the grief and betrayal rushing through him, but Romano wasn't having it. Not today.

The older twin grabbed Feli's wrist before he could escape, "We were bought out Feli! I have no idea why the fuck you are mad at me!!"

Feliciano just grit his teeth hard at the words, "Yo-you have no ide-idea what th-this means! Everything that Grandpa loved-GONE! Gone fratello! Can't you see that-?"

Romano huffed in annoyance before releasing his twin, "Well Feliciano-you just are being stupid now!" The older shoved Feli in the direction of the exit, "It isn't my fault! So don't blame yourself or me! Idiota! We still have each other and there is nothing Grandpa loved more than us! Why can't you see that?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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