Rainy Day Captures

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Itabby was cold, wet, and hungry. The rain was pouring faster and faster as he trudged through his master's city, he was tired from his earlier hunting and really wanted to take a cat-siesta. His fur was dripping wet, dirty, and clumped. OH WHERE WAS GERMOUSER?!


Germouser sat at his own master's home. Tail tucked over paws and watching the front door. The Italians should have been here by now, but they weren't. His owner was starting to worry since Italy hate thunderstorms by himself. Germouser lay by the window closest to the door and watch as the rain pour and the lightning clash. He was worried about Itabby.

He jumped off the window and onto the floor and padded over and pushed his head through the cat door and saw the rain and wind were strong, he yowled out into the dark evening, "Itabbyyyyyy?!" No answer came but the flash of lightning and the black furred Tom was pulled inside by his master. "Stop the howling. It won't help. Stay patient-and stop wigglin' damn it!!"

Germouser couldn't help it, he just wanted to know they were safe. Germany caught into this and had to suppress a small smile, "Ja. I guess we could go to their house instead.." He sighed and set the tom down, who rushed off into the bedroom, and came back with one of Itabby's favorite blankets and padded up to Germany, who took it. Germouser ran back to the kitchen and meowed for help as he tried to reach the food on the counter.

Germany walked into the kitchen and packed the food as well along with the bag and grabbed his jacket and umbrella before picking up his black cat and setting out on a search for Italy and Itabby.


Italy shivered under the covers at home and cried out whenever lightning clashed. Though he really wanted Germany here, he felt bad since he never showed up. "Ve~ S-sorry Doitsu. Ahhh!!!!" He screeched in the darkness of his home and jumped when the door slammed open. Italy cowered and shivered but got up to investigate. Germany sets his things down and forced the door closed and shivered as he was drenched in rain.

Italy saw who it was and cried out, "GERMANYYYYY~~!!" Before flinging himself onto the man. Germany caught him and sighed in relief as he held the Italian close, the lone curl forming a heart. Italy smiled but squeaked at the thunder, "I'm so sorry Germany, ve~ I was going to come over but it started raining and-" Germany hushed him with a kiss to the forehead, "It's fine. Now calm down-" Italy gasped and grabbed Germany's hand and pulled him to the bathroom.

Germany started to gain a pink blush, "ITALY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Italy only smiled, "Ve~ I don't want Germany to catch a cold so I will start a bath for him!" Germany sighed and complied with the Italian, watching Germouser slink down the hallway and yowl for Itabby...where was he?

-Nekotalia/GerIta Drabble-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin