Coincidences Pt. 1

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AU in which they aren't countries and are normal people
A young man of twenty-one was racing after his cat down streets of crowded people. His body being shoved and pushed as he darted around to grab his mischievous cat. He had walked out of his family owned restaurant only to watch as his cat darted out into the busy streets. He had immediately cried out before racing after his stupid cat.

"Itabby! Come back here!" The auburn haired boy called out as his cat ran across a busy street and caused a minor accident. He winced before racing after it, only to be pulled back just as a car whizzed just where his body had been. His eyes widened with shock, heart racing as he turned to see his savior, only to find that they were gone. And so was his cat.

"Grandpa's going to kill me..."

It had been weeks since the auburn haired boy had last seen his cat, and he was starting to worry if the cat was in any danger. He had put up missing posters and eagerly awaited for someone to return his cat to him, but one came. He sighed heavily as he made his way to a couple's table and took their orders. He tried to sound as happy as possible but couldn't seem to shake the feeling of the mysterious person that saved his life.

He took the people's orders to the kitchen and was met with his slightly older brother poking him in the chest, "A CEO of the most important business in the city is coming here tomorrow to talk about tearing down the building even though we get so much business. Don't screw it up. Treat him nice. Grandpa is going to be out and I promised Antonio a date. Sadly. The fucker's like a leech. It's just going to be you and Hercules I'm afraid. But even he's a slacker. And the newbies don't know what the hell to do. Keep 'em in line fratello."

The younger nodded his affirmation before watching as his brother skillfully served tables with a sassy remark while gracefully spinning the plates in his hands onto the tables. His brother was mainly the attraction besides his Grandpa's lovely attitude and not so subtle flirtation towards everyone. And everyone liked Antonio's friendly behavior and happy attitude even on a bad day. The auburn headed boy was the worst person for this job. And after being chewed out for letting out the cat and running away from shop, the boy had gotten pushed back into his old shy attitude. Mumbling to himself and cleaning the restaurant as he pleased.

Oh God, let this go well for him.

Day fled the restaurant and soon it was the next morning. The auburn headed boy was shaking with nerves, his brother having left with the happy Spanish man to go have a picnic outside the city. His Grandpa roughly ruffled his hair before whispering a soft, "Good luck Feliciano. I know you'll do great."

The younger offered a nervous smile before side hugging the only parental figure he's ever known. He had a sinking feeling in his gut that he couldn't shake as he held in unsheddable tears. His body was then being pulled into his Grandpa's warm embrace and he felt better.

"Thanks. I'll try my best Gran'pa." The boy then watched as his smirking Grandfather walked out the door with a wave. Feli waved goodbye before opening up the restaurant. He watched as the cooks in the back showed up along with Hercules who pulled an apron lazily around his neck and tied it at his waist. He smiled softly at his distant relative who looked worse for wear and gently patted his head, "It'll be okay."

Although Feli wasn't so sure about that as he tied his own apron around his waist and made sure everything was in his pockets.

Feliciano was happily serving a young man who barely talked, when the tiny bell above the door jingled and signaled a new customer. The Italian boy turned with a smile towards the door, "Hello! Welcome to-" His voice faded as he took in the new customer. He was barely touching the door as he walked into the small restaurant, his hair light enough to almost look white, his blue eyes piercing through the smaller as the auburn started to shake where he stood.

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