Soon, lunch ended and we had our last period, which unfortunately happened to have Lucas in it. Why is he in all of my classes? How is he in all of my classes? These are AP classes, not normal ones.

You know what? Screw it, I'm just going to have a good, healthy mindset and continuously tell myself that Lucas hecking King actually has a single ounce of knowledge.

After getting my stuff, I walked into the science room. I dreaded physics with all of my body because all of the formulas make me literally want to punch a wall. Or a better option— punch Lucas King. Ha, I'm just kidding! I'm not that mean!

I plopped down in a seat that was located in the middle row and pouted because Lily wasn't here. I then realized how sad my life must be— I only have one friend. Uno. Unus. Un. Well, I guess Jackson is also my friend but currently I don't give a single poop about him because he ditched me for Lucas's group of friends, which also gives me a reason to hate not only Jackson a little, but Lucas even more. Fun.

"Kylie Anderson," the teacher called out and I turned my head sharply to face him.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm here!" I informed the man with two thumbs up.

He gave me a judgmental look and continued to call roll. We were also doing review right after he finished listing off names of people who I couldn't be bothered to remember. The teacher passed us all a packet full of contemptible physics problems. I hate a lot of things, don't judge me.

I heard a laugh boom from the back row, "The answer rounds to sixty-nine!"

You didn't even have to know what Lucas's voice sounds like to know it was him. He was literally the only one at this school who would ever say something like that.

"Something you won't ever do!" I remarked with a smug face.

Roasted and toasted. With jelly on it.

"Oh, trust me when I say I have done it multiple times," he replied, a cynical tone lacing his voice.

"Let's hope none of those girls you did the dirty with has STDs! I won't be surprised if they do!" I responded, letting my snarky attitude shine brighter than the sun but unfortunately earning a name call from the teacher.

"You're on thin ice, Kylie," he informed me with his eyes narrowed then looked back down at a piece of paper.

"Well, I better be careful when I put my ice skates on!" I chirped with an innocent smile.

Lucas's evil ways are spreading to me. Oh no, not the Lucas plague. It was the absolute worst. The notorious "Lucas-Attitude-Boutta-Make-You-Have-Detention" plague was spreading to me and I didn't really want it very much.

I resisted the urge to have a smackdown talk battle with the boy, clenching my fists. If only I could flip him off. No, that's such a Lucas move to do. This is like the scenes in The Vampire Diaries where someone is converted to a vampire, except I'm converting into the feminine version of Lucas. Jackson better not have turned into Lucas 2.0 because if he did, I will get Lily to put a butterfly on his body. He was also terrified of butterflies but I really didn't know why.

     What a wussy.

     I shook my head and looked down at the papers. It was literally explaining everything we did and then a couple practice problems. It was more efficient than it sounded because it actually did refresh my mind. How mind boggling!

     "Hallelujah!" I screamed out once the bell finally rang.

     I picked up my stuff and walked over to Lucas, "You evil monster! Give me back my Jackson! He's my baby!"

     Lucas chuckled, "Kinky."

     I glared daggers at the boy and poked him right on the nose, "Ha! Get booped! Now, what did you do to Jackson!?"

     "I didn't do anything. It was all Natalia," he smirked conceitedly, "I had nothing to do with it. Though Natalia does think Jackson is pretty cute and she always gets what she wants. No matter what the cost. So good luck, my lovely hatchling!"

He patted me on the back before standing up and exiting the room. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room as well. After getting my almost empty backpack and putting everything up, I proceeded to walk to my house.

The day was quick after that. I ranted about Jackson and Lucas's group of Populars, watched Netflix, and due to unfortunate circumstances, saw my brother's penis. It wasn't my fault that he didn't lock the bathroom door again! I even knocked but no, he had to not answer me.

I shook my head in disappointment. After I brushed my teeth rather vigorously, I put my pajamas on and hopped into my bed.

Good night world, I won't miss you while I'm in my fantasy world full of Klaus Mikaelson.

just a heads up, the chapters will always be 1000+ words no matter what, so look forward to some long chapters ;)

if you did like the chapter, don't forget to hit that star, comment, and share it with your friends, family, pets, whoever! also i'm gonna start doing a question of the day so if you want to dm me or leave a comment of a question you want me to answer, feel free to (: i would also love to see your responses as well so don't be shy and ANSWER IT AS WELL! i love to get to know who's reading my story because it's cool and yea it's just cool. yep

qotd: what harry potter house are you?

aotd: OBVIOUSLY gryffindor (;

see you guys soon x ily all


p.s. i'm literally gonna cry klaus mikaelson is such a charmer and he is the sweetest thing to ever exist. like, he's better than stefan i can't even omg

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