He cheats - Niall Horan

Start from the beginning

Dear (Y/N) 

        Me and the boys went out to buy some groceries. The key is under the mat. We will be back there don't worry!

                                                                       Love, Harry x

You smiled and looked under the mat. But the key wasn't there. You twist the knob of the door and it was open  "Maybe the boys are back" You thought. 

You entered the house and put your luggage beside the door. "Boys?" You said, but no one answered. "Is anyone here?" Still no answer, You shrugged your shoulder. 

You were about to go to the kitchen But you heard some thing….. "Ugghhhh" You went upstairs to check whats happening. The sound leaded you to a room. You slightly open the door, And you saw a girl on top of…… OH GOD! Niall…. A tear slowly slide down to your cheek and you slowly walked backward until you hear the front door open.

 You looked at the front door and you saw the boys enter the house. You tried to not cry but you can't hold it anymore. You fell to the ground and harry ran towards you. He carried you the couch. " Im sorry for not listening to you haz" You cried. The other boys hugged you. "Was i not good enough for him?" I Asked the boys "You deserve better" Louis said. Harry and the others agreed. 

You were about to stand up but the room where niall and the girl opened. You looked at niall with your teary eyes. Niall looked shocked, regretful and worried. you looked at harry and he is mad and it looks like he could kill. "Fuck" Niall muttered. Niall Walked towards you "Don't you dare" Harry told him. "Let me talk to her" Niall said. Niall looked at you and he took a deep breath "Im sorry but were over." He told you. You stand up facing him, And you slapped him as hard as you can.

    "Why?" You asked, he looked confused. "Why would you do this to me? I though you loved me? Was i not good enough for you? Tell me! I wanna know!" You shouted. You walked to the door and grabbed your stuff and opened the door "Where are you going?" Harry asked. "Going back home" You said while giving niall a glare. "Ill drive you to the airport" Harry said while standing up. You nodded your head and harry went out side with your luggage and put it at the trunk of the car and he open door and sat on the driver seat to starts his car. You walk to the car and opened the door and star on the passenger seat. 

Harry drove you to the airport "Are you sure your ok? Im worried about you.! Im worried about my little sister. You are all i have left! After mom, dad and Gemma got in a car accident i was thankful that i still have you! And i don't wanna lose you! " he said while pouting. "Im fine, Ill call you when I'm back home" You muttered. "Flight 315, now boarding." Said the flight attendant. "I need to go harry, ill miss you!" You said to him as you hugged him. "Be careful! And ill miss you too" He said and kisses your forehead.

**Back at Cheshire**

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