(two).why me.(two)

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Ding dong~
I open the door to find none other than Ki standing there.

"You bitch"

"Whaat you're really stubborn! Cmon lets go!"

"Yah! Let go crazy bitch! I need to get dressed!"

I yank my hand from her grip and run upstairs to have a shower.

I yank my hand from her grip and run upstairs to have a shower

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(Outfit - necklace hand things(change if you want)

"Alright im ready"

"You're so emo"

"Am not!"

"Are too!!"

"Shut the fuck up you unclutured swine"

"Yeah you know im right"

After some walking we got to quite a desolated place creepy almost.

"Ki where are we?"

She stayed silent.
Thats when i relized this is some horror movie shit and im probly gonna get kidnapped. I look around and notice people hiding but in plain sight? Like acting normal but looking at me. I turn to the side Ki is gone.

I Turn theres a guy coming at me full speed! I duck as fast as possible and run. 3 more people join the guys who's ankles i just broke and are after me.

Hoe i aint dying today.

Twisting and turning corners i run into a dead end


Clap. clap. clap. (Cha cha cha cha svt anyone?)

"Wow you're quick aren't you? Told you he was the right choice"

"Where's my friend?"

I ask.

"She fine don't worry but its hard to call her your friend when she basically sold you.."


"Look let's cut to the chase. We want you to to join us. Your hacking skills pass most people who are actually trying to get in."

"Thanks? But I don't want to die so I'll be leaving now"

The guy put his hand by my head anime style and started explaining.

"Look. We're TENEX"

He pointed at the guys behind him.




The TENEX the biggest gang right now want me? Seriously!?

"I'm Derek. But boss to you."

He took off his hood and showed his face.

He took off his hood and showed his face

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Jesus fuck. He so hot.

I could tell I was blushing. And my pale ass show that real easily.

He chuckles. Hoe don't laugh at me.

"These are two other members ,kai"


Oh fuck he is too

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Oh fuck he is too. He's blushing. Cute.

I look to the last guy.

"That's 4"


O h e c c is he a god

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O h e c c is he a god.? Are they all gods???

"Ok. And I'm Kim Yoon Ki but everyone called me Yuuki."

I look at the floor. Damn social anxiety.

"Cmon its not safe to talk here."

"What? Why?"

"This is where everyone calls 'No mans Land cringy I know but no groups have been able to keep it their territory cause of this one gang. From out of town. Every time a gang tries the get seriously hurt or even die."

"Wh-what gang is that?"

"The 'BulletProof boyscouts' "

461 words. Ooo looks like BTS are notorious. I wonder how it will play out. Will they meet? What will happen if they do? Just gotta find out next time.


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