Chapter 1

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"Sorry To My Unknown Lover"

THE RING of my cellphone has me slamming my pillow over my aching head in annoyance. I let it ring for a few seconds before picking up.

"SSA Wilde," I bark into the phone, listening somewhat intently as Hotch replies.

After I hang up, I bolt from bed and away from the guy who has somehow magically appeared.

The warm water from the shower helps me wake up and softens the hangover just a bit.

With a squeek, I turn the knob and step from the shower, water dripping from my shoulder length brunette locks.

A sharp knock at my door catches my attention and I groan before opening the door a crack to the man outside, clutching my towel close to my chest.

"Uh, yeah, hey," I smile bitterly.

"Hey, so can I get your number before I leave?" The guy stammers, pushing a hand through his shaggy dark hair.

"The thing is um, I'm really not one for, uh, relationships?" I chuckle gingerly.

His eyes widen, but he nods his head quickly and replies, "Ok, I'll just let my, uh, self out then,"

With that, he takes off, grabbing his clothes from the floor. His feet slap the stairs as he fumbles down them and I let out a sigh of relief as I continue on with my morning routine.


"Morning," I greet simply as I rush into the meeting room.

Morgan looks me over and grins, "Rough night?"

It seems that hiding something from a profiler is next to impossible, although I wouldn't be surprised if Morgan has experience with these situations.

"God, you have no idea!" I huff, plopping into my seat beside Reid, who doesn't look up from his file.

"What did you tell him?" JJ questions, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

"I told him that i'm not one for relationships," I chuckle, yanking my file from the middle of the table.

"Spence, what's on your mind?" I question the quiet man beside me, his brow furrowed.

He doesn't look up, but replies, "It's this case, why the encrypted note?"

I shrug and reply, "They are most likely taunting the local police with a you can't catch me sort of thing,"

"Where is Hotch and Rossi?" Garcia huffs just as the two burst into the room.

"Sorry we're late, Garcia please present," Hotch rushes, leaning against the wall.

With a click of her remote, Garcia starts, "Ok, so prepare for hours of online cat video watching after this because this case is gruesome," Garcia clears her throat before continuing, "Angela Reynolds, 28, was stabbed numerous times in her Suffix, North Carolina home before being cleaned up and left in bed as if asleep, with an encrypted note on her bedside table,"

"So why are we being called in mama?" Morgan questions, leaning back in his seat.

"Well, I'm glad you asked because another woman was killed in a motel a few miles away in the exact same fashion and get this, there was a note on her bedside table that was also encrypted!" Garcia finishes.

"Which means this unsub is going to strike again and soon, wheels up in 20," Hotch booms before swiveling on his heels and leaving the room.

The others follow suit and soon it's just me and Spence left.

He leans over the table to collect his files, his honey locks falling into his face. When he swipes them back, I notice something unusual on his neck.

"Spencer Reid, is that a hickey on your neck I see?" I chuckle, reaching out with my hand to push away his hair to get a better look.

He quickly swats it away, his cheeks flushing a light crimson color in response to my allegation.

"Oh my god, I'm so telling Morgan!" I yell, tossing my go bag over my shoulder and rushing to the door.

"Nat, don't do it!" He yells as I sprint through the building towards the elevators.

Spence is hot on my heels and just as I near the doors, his hand grasps my forearm, yanking me back a bit.

"I win," He huffs as he tries to catch his breath.

"That depends on who you ask, Spence," I grin before sliding between the closing elevator doors.

A look of shock is plastered on his face and I blow him a kiss tauntingly as the doors slide shut.

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