Y/n:Alright I'll try and show now go and get that surprise

John:*Chuckles*Alright see ya man

John stood up and walked out of the bar I looked back my glass it was empty I waved the bartender over to get a refill.He refills my glass I started think the fact that Raven and Tai were getting married it brought tears to my eyes.I held the tears back I had to happy for her even if it means i'm not happy the things you do for the ones you love.


I was on a bullhead heading towards patch since Tai and Ravens wedding was today and being honest I couldn't stop and let a few tears fall from my eyes.Today was the day I was giving away the one I love and my best friend sure she hates me but I still care for her I need to move on from that day but it's so hard.I was wearing a tux with a black button up formal vest.The suit jacket was un-botton I was wearing a black tie white button up shirt.They were going for a standard color for the men women were black and red dresses.I was going in as a musician that John"Hired" I was gonna play an acoustic guitar at the wedding and so no one recognized me I wore a fedora that was black and had a white strip that went around it and some black shades plus the left side of my face was bandage from a fight.The guy smashed my face with a bottle making a cut plus tiny ones and glass stuck in my face tiny ones but still hurt.Of course after that I went ham on the guy which lead to me winning the fight though I should thank him it helps me here and now.This was pretty risky but hey I promised Raven that I would be at her wedding when we were younger and I plan on sticking to it and that's also a reason why I agreed to go to this wedding.The bullhead landed I had about thirty minutes before the wedding started so I started to run to the church.As I was running I was looking at the place they chose to have there wedding and from what John told me it also were there living it was a good choice they made ad a great place to start a family.I soon found a dirt that lead into the forest it went in deep but I started to follow the road and soon in enough I was in front of a white church(I want to not I choose a church since it's the most place wedding happen so sorry if you don't like church's )

It had steps that led into the church I looked at my watch to see I had ten minutes left I walked in there was two rooms to my left and right and of course the seats in two rows and a walk way in the middle to the rows then at the very end stood everybody.I walked to right side of the rows and took a seat with musicians and all now was to was to wait.Couple minutes passed and the lady on the piano started to play it and Raven walked out in a red bride dress.She looked great in the dress and she looked so happy I mean it was her special day and I had to be happy for her.Tai looked nervous as Raven walked towards him holding flowers in her hands.Qrow was walking Raven up to Tai he looked like he was gonna cry same goes to summer who seemed so happy for her teammates.Then there were my teammates who had big smiles on there faces John and Maria glanced at me and waved with big smiles on there faces mainly Maria.Soon Raven made it to Tai and it started.


Priest:Does anyone object to this two getting married speak now or forever hold your peace(Sorry if that's not right I'm just going off what I think is right)

I wanted to say something so badly but I didn't no I couldn't ruin Ravens wedding what kind of friend would I be if I did that.

Priest:Then Raven branwen do you take Taiyang xiao long to be lawfully husband through sickness and until death(Like I said I'm going what I think is right so sorry if it's wrong work with me here)

Raven:I do

Priest:Then do you Taiyang xiao long take Raven branwen to be your lawfully wife until sickness and until death

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