chapter 2

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(A/n:Here we go second chapter I got nothing to really say expect leeeeeeets get riiiiiiight into the story.)

Y/n pov

As I was walking into the school I was met with a punch to the face from who I don't know yet the punch knocked me to the ground.I looked up to a every angry raven it was great sight to see but still a scary one since she pissed at me.She looked like she was about to hit me again so I braced for it but was instead met with a hug.

Raven:You idiot you freaked me and qrow out

Y/n:I'm sorry okay

Raven:It's fine you just had us worried

Qrow:Yeah ya idiot I don't know what I do without my drinking buddy

Y/n:Alright alright I get it guys

Qrow:By the way the thing you said about raven during the fight was priceless

Raven:What did you say

Qrow:Oh let me show it

Raven went over to qrow who pulled out his scroll and was pulling the fight which was recorded.I went behind summer scared hiding behind her hoping she will save me from the soon to be pissed raven.

Y/n:Summer please protect me from raven

Summer:It's fault for what you said even though i-it was f-funny


Y/n:Oh sugar honey ice tea


I stand there watching y/n run off with a every angry raven chasing him with her sword trying to hit him.While he's running from her he's shouting things like "It was a joke raven" or "I'm sorry but it's true".The second one made raven even more angry as she started to chase him faster the strikes were more aggressive.

Tai:Well aren't they something

Qrow:You should seen them when we were younger always getting trouble those two have never fought with each other and were always by each other.It's practically a miracle that those two haven't dated each other though I'm sure one of them wants be more than friends.

Summer:Wow that's an adorable story

Tai:So I'm wondering since we are gonna stay with raven for the next four years what she like on her period.

Qrow:A mess of emotions mainly anger,sadness but it's usually all over the place

Tai:That's good to know


Qrow:It's your fault man shouldn't have said that

Y/n:I'm sorry but it's true wait shit shouldn't have said that


Y/n:AAAAAAH Raven I'm sorry please have mercy

We all laughed as this went on for while but ended when raven tackled him and started to repeatedly beat him over the head.


I was walking around dorms with my head bandage from ravens beating I guess this what I get for saying stupid things.I'm just glad my mom won't see that if she see's that then I'm fucked she is scary pissed like I had nightmares for weeks.The team I was joining was already a full team but the head master decide to make us beacons first five man team.As I was walking I heard what sounded like arguing coming from a dorm I'm hoping that's not my new team since it sounded bad.I could hear yelling and what sounded like things breaking against the wall geez how are they a team.The team I'm joining is called JJMV(It's all there names I don't care if it's not good) guess it's now JJMV(Y/N) I sigh as Get closer to the dorm which also happens to be by close to team STQR.So even if this team is bad I'm still close to my friends if I need to get away from them.Life pretty munch hates me as I stand in front of my new teams door and sure enough this is where the fighting is going on I sigh and knock on the door.

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