chapter 3

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(This chapter takes picks up to the second year of beacon)

Y/n pov

I was laying on my bed trying to fall back asleep when my teams door bust open and a figure jumps and lands on me.

???:GET UP Y/N

Y/n:Really summer

Summer:Yes now come on we got a whole day of fun waiting for us and our teams

Y/n:Do I have to

Summer:Don't you wanna hang out with raven

Towards the end of our first year a beacon I told summer about my crush on raven and how long I've had it.Summer freaked when I told now she's trying everything in her power to get me with her and I'm mean everything.Of course before we came back to beacon I visit my family caught up with them told everything that's happened and about my team.My team is great they weren't wrong no matter what they had my back and helped me with struggles.John is like a brother I get a long with him the most he taught me how to play a acoustic guitar.Jill is like a little sister I always gotta help mainly cause she gets into a lot of fist fights and needs help with homework.Maria is like and adorable little sister love's to read and draw she use to get picked on but me and john put an end to that.Thanks to summer maria and john have gotten really close like are always by each other I'm surprised there not dating yet.The only down side to this year is tai yes Yes I like the guy but apparently he like's raven and is constantly flirting with her and asking her out.To my luck she shows no sign of interest and rejects him but he won't stop it's bothering me.

Y/n:You know me to well

Summer:Well we are best friends aren't we

Y/n:yeah that's true hey summer can I ask you something do you like someone

Summer: I-I d-do b-but I don't w-want to t-talk about that right now cause right now is about you and raven

Y/n:Alright summer I can the choice of you not wanting to tell me who you like anyways we should get going.Let me get changed and we can head out and meet with our teams for a fun day you planned.

Summer:Alright I'll wait for you outside

Summer leaves the room I get up and get changed into my clothes for the day and walk out the room to see summer waiting like she said.We walk and start talk about random things when I think about tai and he's constant flirting towards raven I sigh in frustration summer notice this.

Summer:Whats wrong y/n

Y/n:It's your teammate tai he keeps flirting with raven and asking her out it's bugging me and yes I know she keeps rejecting him but why can't he stop can't he get a message through his head.

Summer:I know but at least she saying no

Y/n:Yeah but what if she says yes I mean me and her always hang out with each other I just feel like at this point she would show signs of some interest towards me.

Yeah pretty munch since day one me and raven were always by each other side as best friends of course there were people who assumed and asked if we were more than a thing.Of course we always said no and just said we are best friends and always hang out most people didn't believe us.

Summer:It's okay y/n I'm sure raven is just trying her best to not show her liking you because she thinks you don't like her back.

Y/n:Sure and thanks summer for being just a good friend

Summer:Hey its what friends are for

We talked the rest the way soon meeting up with out teams who are all chatting and waiting for us.I look at raven soon feeling my cheeks heating up she looked beautiful as always I look away to hide my blush.Our teams spotted us and waved at us telling us to hurry we soon get there and talked to our teams before walking towards the bullhead to go to vale for the day.On the ride me and raven got to chatting up I could feel all eyes on us and one set of eyes looking at me in angry and jealousy.That set of eyes being tai's I'm guessing it bothered him how munch me and raven hung out some munch but I didn't care.We soon land in vale and have a fun day planned by summer and she is a great planner let me tell you.We first went to an arcade and we had blast mainly Jill and maria who were going one game to another dragging John all over the place.The biggest surprise was when Vincent won a teddy bear and gave it to Jill who blushed at this and gave him kiss on the cheek which cause the both of them to turn 50 shades of red.John teased his sister along with summer and Qrow we left the arcade and went to the movies.Because of the girls expect raven we went and saw a cheesy romance movie.Now you may be wondering there only three girls that want to see the cheesy romance movie well you see maria begged John with puppies eye's while Jill did it to Vincent and summer did the puppy dog eyes to me and her team.Summer was part evil she knew me or her team couldn't resit her puppy dog eye's most people couldn't that was her evil charm and she knew how to use it.Me and raven sat by each other me being on her left while sadly tai was on her left.Also if your wondering tai doesn't know about my feeling for raven pretty munch him and raven are the only one's that don't know.

A Broken Bond(Raven branwen x male reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя