"Oh my god." He said, shaking his head out of disbelief. "Now what? Is he mad?"

I look down, playing with a loose string on Alex's blanket, too embarrassed to make eye contact. "Will told us the story, and he seemed really mad. I'm going to try and talk to him tonight after his game."

"What are you going to say?" Alex asks.

I shake my head. "I don't know. I'm sorry would be a good start. He's going to hate me." I say quietly, finally looking up at Alex.

"It'll get better with time, trust me." Alex tries to assure me. I don't know what to say. I can only hope that it'll get better with time.

I cross my legs, playing with my fingers in my lap. I felt so lost, it was silly, really. This stupid thing was affecting me more than I could let on. All I was doing was worrying, worrying about something in the future. I didn't even want to see Auston, I didn't want to talk to him. I had to, I know that, but I didn't want to. I knew what would come, either him yelling at me, ignoring me, crying, I don't know what exactly. I just knew it wouldn't be good.

"You're going to the game tonight?" Alex asks to break the silence. I look up at him, nodding. "Why don't I come? Keep you company?"

I smile a little bit. "Is that just an excuse to come to the game?" I ask.

"No." He laughs. "At least being with me, it might help get your mind off things for a bit, y'know?" He asks.

I nod, he was right. Or at least, I hoped. "I'll ask Mitch to save two tickets then." I say.

Alex grins wide. "Yes! Thank you!" He looks so genuinely happy, making me smile.

I glance at the time on my phone, I should start getting ready for class. "I have class now to get ready for. The game's at 7, can you meet me at my place at 6ish?" I ask, standing up.

"Yes. Definitely. For sure." He smiles, nodding eagerly. He stands up out of bed, stretching as he pulls up his pants.

"Bye, I'll see you later." I wave at him before walking out and going back to my room. I collect my backpack and make my way to my first class of the day, the nerves never leaving me.

The day seemed to past by too quickly. Wasn't it funny that the one time I wanted class to drag on, it didn't? I didn't to face Auston tonight, I really didn't.

I didn't want to have to see the hurt look in his eyes, the heart break and damage that I, his old best friend, had caused. I couldn't even stand to look at him, and now I'd have to go and talk to him about my friendship.

When my class ended at 5, I stopped by the café on my way back to my dorm and bought a muffin and iced coffee. Anything to distract myself.

I curled my hair in my room, taking my time. I sat in front of my mirror to do my makeup, but I wasn't able to properly apply anything because of my shaky hands.

Alex burst into my room when I was doing foundation. "Look what I bought!" He smiled, pointing to himself. He was wearing a Leafs jersey.

"You bought that today?" He nods.

He turns around, allowing me to see the back. "You got a Marner jersey?" I ask, not able to contain a laugh.

"Obviously." He grins, nodding. "You gotta help me get it signed, though."

"Sure." I say. I pat in front of me on the floor to gesture him to come sit with me. "Can you put on my mascara for me? I'm too nervous." I tell him.

Multiple makeup wipes later, we were ready to go. I was trying to stall, but Alex wouldn't take it. He forced us to leave so we wouldn't be late. We got to our seats right as the puck dropped.

thin ice // mitch marnerWhere stories live. Discover now