Start from the beginning

Selene shut her eyes and allowed an irritated laugh to escape her lips. More fucking drama?


"So let me get this straight; The day I left, Katherine was telling the truth? There really is an evil vampire obsessed with you, Elena? Klaus really does exist? A-And Jenna? I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch."

Elena shook her head in agreement with Selene's question. "Mhm, Sel. And it isn't just him. There's a whole family of them, they call themselves The Originals. Klaus, he completed the sacrifice, he's a true hybrid now. Selene, there's no stopping him."

Selene allowed Elena's words to sink in. She really missed a lot. Jenna died for God's sake, and she wasn't even there to console Jeremy. Looking at her two close friends, Selena asked yet another question. "So, what do we do now?"

This time, it was Bonnie's turn to talk. "That's just it, Sel. We don't do anything. There is nothing to do. He's infiltrated our lives, he even has Stefan under his spell."

At the mention of her best-friends name, Selene froze. "B-But I just saw Stefan. He was there, he picked me up from the airport."

"Wait!" Elena interrupted, gaining a few glances from the neighboring townspeople. "Stefan came to pick you up? With Tyler and Caroline? That's impossible, he's on the outs with everybody."

At this point, and in regards to her previous mention supernatural curse, Selene was growing more and more agitated. "He was there, Elena, I just said that." She seethed, for no apparent reason. "Now, can I go? I need to find Jeremy, or really just anybody else."

Before Selene had the opportunity to get up, Bonnie latched on to her hand. "There's more. This time, it's about you." She said, sneaking a glance in Elena's direction, preparing how exactly she was to say her next sentence.

"Listen, Selene, I don't know how to say this but Klaus, he knows you." Bonnie started explaining, trying to talk as slow as possible, not wanting to repeat any of this repulsive information. All she got in return was a scrunch in Selene Lockwood's eyebrows.

"You know that picture you made Stefan hang on the fridge? Well, Rebekah saw it one day and she flipped out. She even told Klaus. They just kept going on and on about a dead girl, about you. Those psychotic siblings know you."

Selene didn't allow Bonnie Bennett to finish her explanation. She immediately rose from the uncomfortable chair, leaving it to make a scrapping sound against the floor, and ran to the bathroom. In one quick second, Selene Lockwood was staring at the contents of last nights dinner, and she was completely sick to her stomach

"I should have stayed my ass in New Orleans." She thought, now having the quietness of the Mystic Grill bathroom to fill her mind with thoughts.


With a heavy heart, and a very empty stomach, Selene Lockwood made her way to an empty clearing in the woods, but stopped in her tracks upon the unsettling sight of her brother and Jeremy Gilbert.

"Ty! How about you give me and Jer a moment? Please!" She called out to her older brother, scaring the human one out of the two.

Tyler looked taken aback, but all in a humorous way. "Ouch, Sel. Haven't you missed your big bro?"

Selene boringly picked at her fresh manicure. "Not at all." She drawled on, with an evil glint in her eyes. With a long laugh, Tyler retreated back to his car, leaving Selene Lockwood and Jeremy Gilbert all alone.

ASHES TO DUST ⟡ KOL MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now