8. Whiskey Lulabies

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Danny's POV

I fucked up. I know I did. I'm sorry. I just can't handle these feelings I have. I don't know what to think or feel or do any more. I hope you don't hate me. Give me time to figure out what the hell I'm doing... Please. I'm sorry Benni.

I read over the letter and groaned. It sounded dreadful. "I can't give this to Ben. Then he'd really hate me.." I sighed and crumbled up the paper and shot it at the wastebasket. It missed and hit Cam's shoulder. He stirred but didn't wake up from his alcohol induced sleep as I went to pick up the ball and throw it away. "Wish I could drink like that... Ben would flip out if he caught me..." I looked at the half empty bottle of whiskey on the coffee table and sighed, walking out of the room and climbing into my bunk. I took out my iPod and turned on Memphis May Fire. I laid in the dark humming along to Legacy, thinking about what I could say to Ben. Twenty minutes later, I still had no idea what to tell him. I turned off my iPod, climbed out of my bunk, and left my bus for Andy's. I knocked on the door and Ask answered. Thankfully he was clothed this time. "Is Andy in?"

Bens POV

When the guys and I got onto the bus Cam was passed out on the couch with a bottle of whiskey beside him. Danny was nowhere to be found. I wonder what girl he's with today...

Sam immediately went to sleep, but James and I decided to stay up. I picked up the half empty bottle and sat on the floor. James grabbed the remote and turned on AFV. He sat next to me and took the bottle. We stayed in the living room drinking and laughing for a good hour before Danny came back. He walked in to the living room and sat on Cam's feet.

"Can I get some of that?" he asked, reaching for the bottle. James passed it to him and stood up.

"Well, I'm off to bed." He yawned and walked into the hall, leaving me, Danny, and a sleeping Cam in the living room. Danny downed the rest of the bottle in a few sips and stood up. He began to say something to me but was interrupted by a series of coughs that left him breathless. After a few moments, he stopped coughing and started rubbing his throat.

"I'm gonna go to bed too." He said. His voice was horse and weak.

"Alright Danny. G'nite." I said, trying to hide the worry in my voice.

"Take a damn cough drop.." Cam mumbled from the couch. Danny nodded and walked out of the living room.

"Looks like everyone's going to bed.." I said to Cam.

"Good. Now shut up and go to your bunk. I'm trying to sleep." He grumbled back. I smiled and walked off to get into my bunk. I could hear Danny stifling coughs across the hall all night. 

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