4. Sex and Cigarettes

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Ben's POV

 I walked off the bus and leaned against the wall outside. I reached into my pocket and grabbed a cigarette. I can't believe he said that! I'd always suspected... always hoped... but I would have never imagined he really felt that way!! What if it was just the alcohol talking? Part of me hoped it was. If it was just the alcohol, we could erase it. Pretend it never happened. My heart would stay safe... But what if he meant it? I wouldn't have to hide my feelings any more... I jumped. Danny had come off the bus and put his hand on my shoulder.

“Im sorry mate..."

“Its nothing." I grumbled.

“Lets go see what Andy and those idiots are up to." He suggested.

“Sure..." So we walked over to Andy's bus and knocked on the door. A bleary eyed, stark naked Ash answered.

“Oh... Hey guys... Whats up?" We had obviously woken him up.

“Ash? Where the hell are all your clothes??"

He shrugged. “Im in my own damn bus I can wear what I want."

“Is Andy here?" Danny asked, trying to change the subject.

“Yeah he's still asleep. The others are working on something at the venue...." He yawned. “Come in..." He moved out of our way and we slid carefully by.

        “Im gonna go wake up Andy..." Ash said, walking down the hall ahead of us. He ripped open a curtain and shouted, “Andy look! Its BATMAN!!" Andy shot up and fell out of the bunk.

“What the hell Ash?!" He hollered.

“We've got company!" He smiled and pointed at me and Danny.

“Oh hey guys... ASH! GO GET SOME CLOTHES ON!!" He yelled. Ash walked away grumbling. “Do you guys wanna hang out for a while? We dont have to go to the venue till later."

“Sure. We just wanted to escape those idiots..." Danny said, grimacing.

“I get it... I live with ash so I know EXACTLY how you feel." We laughed.

“Hey wait," I said, looking at the bunks. “Whats with the name tags over your bunks??"

“I don't know to tell you truth. They've been here since we got the bus..." Andy shrugged.

“Why were you in Ash's Bunk?" Danny asked, an evil grin on his face. Andy itched his shoulder and evaded the question by saying something about a batman movie on TV. Me and Danny looked at each other and grinned.

Danny's POV

Ash came into the living room a few moments later and flopped down on the couch next to Andy.

“Ooh!" Ben and I chimed in unison. Ash threw a pillow at us and Andy flipped us off. “Someone's a little defensive." I stage-whispered to Ben. He laughed.

“Fuck you both." Ash said.

“Shut up, its getting to the good part!!" Andy growled at us.

“I swear Andy, someone says Batman and you turn into a bloody fan girl!!"

“We can argue about my bat man love" ‘Obsession...' Ben and Ash whispered at the same time.

“LOVE after the movie. Until then SHUT THE HELL UP." Everyone laughed, and Andy flipped is off again.

*After the movie*

“Hey, we gotta get down to the venue guys... But you're welcome to stay here for a while if you don't want to go back to your bus. Just be gone by about 6. The guys are coming back and you don't know who Jake and Ash will bring back with them." Andy said, standing up. (A/N: Jake isn't married in this.)

“Thanks guys. We'll be gone long before that." “Alright. Here's the remote," Ash tossed out at us, “Booze is in the mini-fridge. There had better still be some when I get back." And with that, they walked out.

We decided to watch Harry Potter. I walked over to the minifridge and grabbed a bottle of scotch while Ben started the movie. I went back to the couch and was about to sit down when I slipped and fell on my ass on the floor right below Ben, who had moved onto the couch.  “Shit!!" I screamed. “Danny you OK?" Ben asked, reaching for my arm. “Yeah I'm fine but the fucking Scotch isn't!!" He chuckled and pulled me up onto the couch next to him. In my stupidity, I leaned over to clean up the glass, and I ended up laying in Ben's lap. He looked at me, confused. “S-Sorry mate..." I whispered. There was a strange look on Ben's face. It was a mixture of heat and pain. “Its fine..." His voice was low and gravely. And then something changed.

Ben's POV

Danny's head was laying across my lap. I was shocked, and more than a little excited. I had unknowingly started to lean forward. I stopped myself just before Danny's lips touched mine. I hovered there, waiting for some change in his expression. It didn't come. His face was mixture of fear and anticipation. I finally gave in and gently kissed his lips. He kissed me back with passion. I lost all sense of time as he was kissing me. He sat up without separating his lips from me, then laid back on the couch so I was above him. I could taste the alcohol on his lips, but I didn't care. His lips roamed across my cheek to my ear, pausing briefly to nibble on it, before continuing down to the base of my neck. One of his hands was tangled in my hair, the other one was trying to get my shirt off. I helped him and moaned when I felt his lips touch my chest. He was panting. “Oh god, Ben..." He gasped, “I've dreamt of this for so long...."

Ash and Andy stumbled drunkenly in a moment later.

=========Smut any one? lol. Sorry this chapter took so long.===========

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