9. Pretty Little Lies

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Danny's POV

Damn... My throat is killing me.. I cant breath. All those cigarettes finally caught up to me... I covered my mouth and started coughing again. Ben looked over from his stool outside the sound booth. He stood and walked into the booth, where I was trying to record our new song.

"You sure you're alright Danny?" He asked. "Do you wanna quit for today?"

"Its just a sore throat... I'm fine." I said, trying not to start coughing again.

"Just take a break for a little while.." He said, already on his way back out of the booth.

I left the recording studio and got into my ford focus. We were back in LA after two months of touring around the US. In a week, we leave for the UK. Headed home... I can't say I miss it..

I got home quickly and called Andy. He answered right away.

"What's up Danny?" He asked. "You talk to Ben yet?"

"No... I don't think I can. I don't want to fuck things up. The band is doing good and he's happy enough."

"You're gonna have to do it sometime Danny. You're only making things worse by keeping it to yourself."

"I know.... I'll tell him before we leave for the UK...." I sighed. My stomach was in knots.

"It'll be fine Danny. You already know how he feels."

"Yeah.... Thanks Andy."

"No problem Danny." I heard a crash in the background and Andy groaned. "I gotta go.. ASH NO!" The line cut. I put my cellphone on the counter and grabbed a beer out of the fridge. I flopped onto the couch and turned on my speakers. Music from my iPod started playing and I laid back, enjoying the ground-shaking bass. I took a sip of beer and started coughing, spitting the beer all over my lap. It got worse and worse, until my eyes were watering and my throat was on fire. I pulled my hand back from my mouth after a minute and was shocked to see little spots of red across my palm.

"Danny?" Ben called from the kitchen, making me jump. "You ok?"

"Y-Yeah." I shouted back, wiping my hand on the couch.

Stand up and scream (A Brusnop fan fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum