3. Too Much Whiskey

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Ben's POV

*backstage before the show*

"Are you all ready?" I asked. Cam nodded.

"Fuck Yeah!" Sam shouted.

"Lets rock." James grinned. We all looked at Danny. He had been distant and angry all day. Whenever anyone dared to talk to him he grumbled and sometimes ignored them.

"Danny?" I asked hesitantly. He glared at me. The crowd started shouting. It first, it was incoherent, but as it got louder it got clearer. "A Fucking A!! A Fucking A!! A Fucking A!!"

Danny sighed, then said with a small smile on his face, "Lets do this."
We ran out onto the stage and played Breathless, then I grabbed a mike and shouted, "Hello Miami!! How are we doing tonight?!" They cheered. "Do you know what tomorrow is?!" They cheered again. "Its this Fucker's Birthday!" I said, throwing my arm over Danny's shoulder. "So on the count of three, I want everyone to go like this and shout 'Happy Birthday'!" I held up my middle finger. "One! Two! THREE!!"

"Happy Birthday!" They all shouted. I looked back and the guys were grinning and holding up their middle fingers.

Danny grabbed the microphone from me and said, "Fuck you, Ben. Now let's get back to the show! How many of you know-" He coughed loudly. "Sorry bout that. Who here knows the song-" He started coughing again. "Fuck it. Just play the song." The crowd cheered as the guys started playing Dear Insanity.

I went up to Danny on the bus after the show and clapped him on the back. "That was one of the best shows we've played all tour."


"Here." I handed him a bottle of whiskey.

"Mmm. Thanks." He opened it up and took a long swig, then passed it to me. I took a few gulps and set it on the coffee table. We sat there and drank till the bottle was empty.

Danny's POV

"B-Ben?" I stuttered.

"What Danny?" He looked over at me, a drunken smile on his face.

"I love you, Ben." What? that's not what I was gonna say!! Ben looked confused and shocked.

"Aww!" Sam walked into the living room.

"How Cute!" James chimed in.

"Cute? I think its fucking nasty. Let's go before they start snogging or something." Cam said. Ben stood up and walked off the bus.

"You're all a bunch of stupid gits." I growled.

Stand up and scream (A Brusnop fan fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon