Valentines Day

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'Ugh, Valentines Day.' personally Mini hates Valentines day, however, she loved her job. Becoming an author is one of the best things that has ever happened to her. She walked the halls of the 'library' past the books. (Most books held completed reality's) sometimes she liked to read them. (Or watching them? It was like she was inside of the storys.)

'How can I make this the least cheesy as possible?' she asked herself. She went to the main room where people got their supplies. The room was decorated in pink red and white like EVERYTHING at this time. 'The only good thing about this time of year is the ships.' she decided.

"MINI!!" Thorn yelled getting behind her like a shield. "Save me." the door burst open a girl with red hair and glowing blue eyes stomped in. She had different colored hearts glued? To her face.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" she bellowed making her way to the siblings. They looked at eachother.

"Why?" Mini asked with a sigh.

"It was Ryan's Idea." Thorn stated

"Thats impossible, he's way too nice." It dawned on her. She knew what she must do. Thought she had to deal with this first.

"Your brother glued this sh*t on my face!" She yelled flayling her arms.

"Did you just verbally censor yourself, Rita?" Ali asked from the desk.

She clicked a button on her belt "Shut the fuck up."

"Is it super glue?" Mini asked the (very) ready to punch someone Rita. She pulled one off her face.

"No, but its all over my cloths." Rita stated.

"Thorn will wash them." Mini offered from behind her Thorn nodded vigorously.

"Fine." she grumbled and stomped out of the room. Ali handed Mini the mission folder and her supplies.

Skip through reality's


'Valentines Day.' He grumbled to himself walking throught the halls of Vahalla. He was on his way to battle. The halls were over the top decorated like every holiday.

The whole Vahalla crew was already there. He walked up to the group. Halfborn had his arm around Mallory. Magnus walked over to his armor it had pink, white, and red hearts glued all over it. He put them on regardless, he wasn't about to go out to battle without armor.

He walked back to the group. "Who did this to my armor?" he asked "and why?"

"Probably a harmless prank." Mallory laughed as Magnus huffed.

"Yea probably." Magnus shrugged and turned around to finish adjusting the straps. Every one in the group audibly gasped. On the back of his armor written in red letter was 'I Love Alex Fierro.' He turned back around to see Alex blushing. "What?" he asked.

"NOTHING!" Alex yelled his face was completely red. He walked in the other direction.

"Where is he going?" Magnus asked. He looked back at the group. Mallory had a huge grin on her face.

"Don't know." She smiled and led her grinning boyfriend away.

Battle started as always, however, something was off. People kept smiling (or frowning) at him when he turned his back. Some I knew it's were said too. He looked in front of him Alex was keeping his distance. Usually he would be scolding Magnus for not keeping his guard up. Magnus ran up to Alex he saw him coming and walked away as fast as he could. Once Magnus caught up he put his and on Alex's solder. "Have you been avoiding me?" Magnus asked.

"WHAT? NO! NO!" Alex went into a rant that Magnus couldn't understand. He kept getting redder and redder after each sentence. After the rant Alex pulled Magnus into a kiss. Alex turned around and ran. Magnus stood there stunned. He was killed pretty quickly after that.

He reincarnated in his room there was a note on his chest. He picked it up and read:

Your welcome for the help with Alex.

-your loving sister, Mini. :)

"Who ever Mini is how can I thank them." He smiled at the note and went to see Alex Fierro.


Hope you liked it and sorry for not updating in a while. If possible can you give me some writing ideas?


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