The Plan

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Amanda pov

"Got it?" I asked, TJ nodded.

"Hopefully this works." He said as we walked out of my room. It was about time for dinner. We were discussing this for hours. Now finally we could...'ow' I thought as I slammed into someone coming out of the room next to Halfborn. I look up and see a guy about seven feet tall, red hair, and startling red eyes, he was pretty buff too. I looked over at TJ who looked at me like I just signed a Valhalla death warrant. I met the boys eyes and calmed down his face was calm and cold, but his eyes were filled with curiosity like he wondered what I would do next. I did have to admit I was intimated. "Sorry." I said like it was no big deal.

He gave a slight smiled like he was pleasantly surprised. "No problem."

TJ and I walked over to the elevator. TJ finally looked less scared he would be murdered and never resurrect. "I think you just signed your death warrant." He said shakily

I raised an eyebrow "Dude, we die in battle every day."

TJ shook his head "That was Cole, one of the scariest people here." He bought his voice down to a whisper  "You'll be lucky if he doesn't kill you before battle."

I had an awful feeling...yea no it was worse then awful, it was like trying to breathe through your mouth with a thick gagge in it. I let TJ off at the floor where the dining hall is I went back up to get throwing daggers I kept in a bag I would strap to my belt. Lora wouldn't come to practice battles with me anymore because Jack convinced her it was beneath them. So I was mostly alone except I did have daggers and a few years of fighting expect. Being an author you have some fights along the way.

I went back to the dining hall and went to find my friends. I was walking and someone triped me which happened often.(mostly because im a child of Frey a not very intimating nature god.) When I hit the floor I hear someone walk over. I looked up to see the same guy I bumped into in the hall. He snarled at the people at the table and alot fall out of their seats.

I didnt like to have people fight my battles. I was debating wether to say that or just thank him. As much as I bend realitys things can still get in the way. "Thank you." I said with the sweatiest expression I could.

"Yea." he said "I dont like bullies." He smiled slightly. That made me feel better. Although this guy could be a very real threat. For a split second I studied him his eyes were mixed with excitement and surprise. Im honestly not sure if most people would dare speak to this guy without a filter on. It looked like he could kill you with a pencil. Actually a few people could do that in Vahalla.

"I may or may not see you in battle." I smile "Depends on how long I last." I walk away calmly as people stare at me like I was Wonder Woman. 'Please dont look at me' I prayed. I found my friends and sat down.

"You met Cole." Halfborn said stuffing food in his mouth.

"Yea, I did and I have to say Im terrified." I sighing.

"Dont be." TJ spoke up. "I said that to scare you." I looked at him completely un amused 'wow' I thought to myself. TJ laughed.


Amanda pov

So only a few more hours until we have enough free time to act on plans. TJ got Halfborn and Mallory in on the plan and now all we have to do is reserect after battle and meet in Mallory's room.

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