Tik Tok - Chapter 4

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"I'm going to let her go." Those were the first words I had uttered when I had woken up. I had thought through what I was going to do about the wedding as I slept and had come to that conclusion. Cammie deserved to be happy so who was I to stand in her way? I would leave tonight on the first plane to Washington. I got up and started packing my stuff. Throwing my belongings into my suitcase.

In the midst of this, Tom woke up.

"What you doing?" he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm leaving." I said with a weak smile. "I'm letting Cammie live her life the way she wants to and that means allowing this wedding to go on."

"You can't leave. You've flown across the country to get her. You love her, Zach, and there isn't a doubt in my mind that she loves you."

"It's because I love her I'm letting her go. Someone once told me, "If you love something, you'll let it go." I replied. Tom seemed to realize that I wasn't going to be swayed on this subject. He made his way across the room, a strange expression on his face and came to a stop in front of me. He extended his hand.

"It's been a pleasure flying you throughout the years and an honor having you for a friend." He said shaking my hand. "See you at work, Zach."

I chuckled. "See you at work, Tom."

With that I made my way out the door, my suitcase trailing behind me. I came to a stop in front of the elevator. I sighed, waiting for the doors to open. Once they did open, out stepped a young couple holding hands who seemed to be madly in love with each other. My heart constricted in my chest as I tried not to let images of Cammie float to my mind. This was it. This was goodbye. After years of hiding what I really felt for her, when I did man up enough to come and tell her I love, I was letting her go, and I was setting her free.

As the elevator descended I leaned back with one foot propped against the wall, and let my head lean back, closing my eyes. The sharp "ding" of the elevator doors seconds before they opened caused me to open my eyes. I walked out feeling like a body not attached to its mind. The pain I should have felt was replaced by an empty, hollow feeling.

I made my way into the lobby and out of the hotel, my pride still intact and my head held high above my shoulders. Pride? I thought to myself. Who cares about pride, right now?

I stood outside on the sidewalk and whistled for a cab. As soon as it pulled up I put my suitcase in the trunk and got in the cab. The smell of already smoked cigarettes filled my nose. The velvety feel of the seats scratched against my skin where there were random holes.

"Where to?" asked the cab driver.

"J.F.K .International Airport"

                                                        ~At that moment~

"You're going to look amazing." Macey McHenry squealed.

"You think so?" Cameron asked softly, touching a strand of her freshly curled hair while looking into the mirror.

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