Alex chuckled. “It’s fine, we know exactly where you are. Stay put, okay? Don’t move a muscle.”


I sat on the curb, waiting for them. Alex stayed on the phone, talking to me, making sure that I was calm.

“We’re almost there, Fin, hold on...” And then I saw the two of them turn the corner.

“Finley!” Jack screeched at the top of his lungs. He jumped and began to wave his arms, just in case his lanky figure and unique hair hadn’t already caught my attention.

I giggled, running up to meet them. “Alex, Jack!” I cried throwing my arms around them. “Thank God.”

“I’m sorry, we’re looking for the idiot who got lost,” Alex said, then paused and scrutinised me. “Hold on... you are the idiot who got lost.”

“Oh, shut up,” I mumbled.


They walked me back to the restaurant, and I was kicking myself at how close I was. Jack walked beside me, holding my hand and nattering on about how he was so excited for me coming on tour with them, while Alex walked a little behind me. He was still close enough to bump into me occasionally. When I questioned him about the distance, he told me that he didn’t want me to wander off and get lost again.

“You’ve met the band, and Matt,” Jack was saying, “You haven’t met the rest of the crew yet... Some of them live around here, we could call them over some day, if you like?”

“Sure, that sounds-” I stopped suddenly. Then looked at Alex in awe. “You weren’t kidding when you said it was a tall building.”

Alex shrugged. “Come on. I reserved a table for us.”

“Do we have to go up all of those stairs?”

“Well, we used to. But then they invented the elevator,” Jack said sarcastically.

I elbowed him. “Shut up, douche. I just had a near death experience.”

“I’m not sure that qualifies as a near death experience. Hey, don’t stick your tongue out at me, missy!”


Dinner was kind of how you'd expect it to be if you were eating with Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat. Whenever the wasn't food in my mouth I was in tears, laughing, although there were a few disgusting times when one of them would make me laugh while I was chewing and my dinner threatened to spew out onto the table.

According to Alex, my tastes weren't defined enough to decide what I wanted myself, so he ordered for me. It was a French restaurant, so I had no idea what he was ordering for me, and since he confessed later that he took Spanish when he was in high school, I'm pretty certain that he didn't know either. Jack insisted on ordering Alex's dinner "to even it out", because otherwise it would have been unfair to me.

"So has Alex been showing you around Baltimore?" Jack asked, leaning forward.

"A bit," I shrugged, "It's seems a really nice place."

"It's great'" Jack said enthusiastically, "We'll have to take you down to the inner harbour before we go to Alex's house.”

“yeah, we should,” Alex agreed, picking at it his dinner. “Jack, what exactly did you order me?”

“Chicken,” Jack said, then turned and winked at me.

“Really? Because these look like the sucky things from an octopus.”

“Alex, I took French all through high school, I think I know how to say chicken.”

Alex frowned, and poked the meat with his fork. “If you say so,” He muttered.

“So how long are you staying?” I asked Jack.

“I’m not sure...” he said, pulling his eyebrows together. “I was actually thinking about moving back to Baltimore.”

“Into Alex’s house?”

“No, no, just until I get my own place. I don’t want to have to stay at my mom’s, and Alex’s is big enough. But I’m not even sure if I will move yet, to be honest.”

“Why do you want to?”

Jack shrugged. “Well, I’m twenty-five now. It’s not grandpa-age or anything, but I just thought that maybe it’s time I gave up the whole LA bachelor thing. I mean, I don’t know if I will yet. But I’m considering it.”

I was about to say something else, but was interrupted- pretty rudely- by Alex coughing his dinner up. Half-chewed bits of grey coloured meat flew across the table, with stringy bits of saliva hanging off of them.

“Gross!” I exclaimed. “That’s disgusting, Lexy.”

“Better out than in, I always say,” Jack said, choking with laughter.

Alex grunted, his eyes closed. Then, after a moment, “What did I say about nicknames?”

I rolled my eyes at him. “Wipe that drool off your chin, Lex Stronghorn.”

A/N- This chapter was a little late, thanks to the Junior Cert. Sorry for anyone who was hoping for one last week! My updates will probably be very irregular over June! 

Anyway, thank you all for reading. I tried to make it as comedic as possible, but that's not really my strong point, so let me know how it worked out! As usual, follow, vote, and comment if you liked it!

(PS the last chapter got 30 something comments which was AMAZING so if you guys could keep that up it would really be great! I need something to cheer me up while I'm doing the exams!)

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